by T. Austin-Sparks
Anointing of the Holy Spirit, The
by T. Austin-Sparks
First published in "A Witness and A Testimony" magazine, 1933-1934, Vol. 11-4 - 12-4.
"I am quite sure that many of the Lord's people are none too clear upon the different aspects of the Holy Spirit's presence and ministry in the life of the believer, and that there is a good deal of confusion; that terms become mixed and there is not clear discernment of the specific significance of each term used in the Word of God. I mean the fact that we hear of those in the New Testament who were baptised with the Spirit, and filled with the Spirit, and sealed by the Spirit, and anointed; and it is important that we should be able to discriminate on these matters. Anointing is both possible, and necessary, and it is for all. It is to fulfil the vocation; because whatever our earthly vocations, as we are led to them by the Lord, there is a heavenly vocation. There is that which is of God enshrined within that which we are led to by the Lord here on the earth, whatever it is."
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