1926 |
"Called. Chosen. Faithful."
1927 |
The Inner Man of the Heart |
The Servant of the Lord |
Sep-Oct |
Service |
Nov-Dec |
The Sentence of Death |
1928 |
The Seen and the Unseen
May-Jun |
Satan's Main Objective |
The Cross and the Deliverance of the Mind |
1929 |
The Holy Spirit and the Cross, the Church, and the Coming
Again of the Lord Jesus |
The Release of the Lord |
Sep-Oct |
Equipment for the Ministry |
1930 |
"Wherefore... Let Us Press On"
Captivity In The Lord (republished in 1964) |
Jul-Aug |
Stripping Down to Christ Alone |
Sep-Oct |
A Peculiar Vessel (republished in 1952 & 1964) |
On Knowing the Lord (republished in 1971) |
1931 |
Jan-Feb |
The Abiding Meaning of Pentecost |
Mar-Apr |
Christ Our Life (republished in 1940) |
May-Jun |
The Time In Which We Live |
Jul-Aug |
Is He Really Lord? |
Sep-Oct |
"Because of the Blood of the Lamb" |
The Meaning of Christ |
The Measure of Christ |
Nov-Dec |
The Meaning of Christian Service |
1932 |
Christ - All, And In All |
The Shining Face |
Jan-Feb |
The Offence of the Cross |
May-Jun |
The Meaning of Union with Christ |
Sep-Oct |
Worship |
1933 |
Jan-Feb |
The Blood, the Cross and the
Name of the Lord Jesus |
Bethany - The Lord's Thought For His Assembly |
Mar-Apr |
Maturity - the Lord's Desire for His People |
Nov-Dec |
The Spoil of Battle |
1934 |
May-Jun |
Christ in Heaven and Christ Within |
Oct |
The Galatians and the Witch's Spell |
Nov-Dec |
The Incense-Bearer |
1935 |
The Transcendent Value of the Knowledge of Christ |
Sep-Oct |
The Continuance of Divine Instrumentalities |
1936 |
Mar-Apr |
How It Should Be And The Way To It |
Jul-Aug |
What is the Church? |
Nov-Dec |
The Way to Heavenly Fullness |
1937 |
Jan-Feb |
The Assault on Fellowship |
A New Creation
Is the Great "Shaking" at Hand?
Stewardship |
The Meaning of the House of God |
Jul-Aug |
Boundless Heavenly Resources |
1938 |
Titles of the Risen Lord |
Mar-Apr |
God's Present Purpose |
Jul-Aug |
The Need of the Hour - Specific Ministry (republished in
1955) |
Sep-Oct |
The Ministry of Elijah |
"The Fellowship of His Sufferings"
1939 |
Jan-Feb |
The Unveiling of Christ in the Heart |
Mar-Apr |
Take Your Share |
May-Jun |
Crucified to the Religious World |
Jul-Aug |
The Corporate Vessel |
Nov-Dec |
The Food Question |
1940 |
Mar-Apr |
Waiting God's Time |
Jul-Aug |
Dying to Ambition |
Sep-Oct |
The Saving Power of Divine Vision |
1941 |
May-Jun |
"For Such a Time as This"
Nov-Dec |
Hindrances to Fullness of Life |
One Universal Spiritual Remedy |
1942 |
May-Jun |
"By Faith..." |
Nov-Dec |
What Will God Do Next? |
1943 |
Mar-Apr |
The Purpose of God |
May-Jun |
Urgently Needed! |
Ye Are Come |
1944 |
God's End and God's Way |
May-Jun |
A Jigsaw Puzzle |
1945 |
May-Jun |
The Most Difficult Thing in the World |
Jul-Aug |
The Deliverance of Souls
Sep-Oct |
God’s Jealousy for Principles |
1946 |
Jan-Feb |
The Way of Spiritual Growth |
Mar-Apr |
"One New Man" |
What is True Unity of the Spirit? |
May-Jun |
The Voice of the Son of God |
Life and Death
Accredited Ministry
The Value of Being Pronouncedly the Lord's
Nov-Dec |
The Rest And The Courage Of Faith |
1947 |
Jan-Feb |
"The Fruit of Conflict" |
May-Jun |
Resurrection, the Hallmark of Sonship |
Jul-Aug |
Things That Differ |
Sep-Oct |
Alone? - Not Alone! |
The Holy Spirit in the Life of a Child of God |
Nov-Dec |
"How Know We the Way?" |
The Strategy of God |
The Things Which Befall Us |
1948 |
Jan-Feb |
The Way |
Mar-Apr |
A God That Hideth Himself |
The Lord's Attitude To His Children In Adversity |
May-Jun |
The Need for a Spirit of Grace |
Jul-Aug |
Abounding in Love |
Conversion and Salvation
Corporate Life |
The Battle Which Is Not Yours
Sep-Oct |
Not Here, and Not Now |
Resting in the Lord's Care |
The Battleground of the Soul |
1949 |
Life in the Spirit |
Jan-Feb |
Christ and His Bride |
"I Will Follow Thee, Lord; But..."
Wings |
The Lord's Field
Jul-Aug |
David's Mighty Men |
Sep-Oct |
Enlargement Through Conflict |
Nov-Dec |
The Peril of Divided Loyalties |
David's Last Words
1950 |
The Cross of Christ |
Jan-Feb |
God’s Faithfulness To Us in His Son |
Mar-Apr |
The Way of Recovery |
May-Jun |
Attaining Unto The First Three |
The Power of the Kingdom
Jul-Aug |
God's Thought-Intention Concerning Manhood |
1951 |
Jan-Feb |
God's Man
Spiritual Warfare |
Mar-Apr |
"But Ye..." |
Conformed to the Image of His Son |
The Problem of the Stone
May-Jun |
Faith's Witness in a Dark Day |
The Earthly Man and the Heavenly Man |
Jul-Aug |
Parenthetical Christians
The Importance and Value of Experience |
The Inheritance - Gained or Forfeited
Sep-Oct |
The Fellowship of His Sufferings |
"And So We Came To Rome"
Nov-Dec |
Some Principles of the House of God |
The Service of God (republished in 1962) |
The Silence of Sovereignty and
the Action of Faith (republished
in 1968) |
For the Sake of the Name
1952 |
Jan-Feb |
Vision and Vocation
Why the Strange Ways of God?
The Mount of Vision
May-Jun |
Spiritual Ploughing |
Jul-Aug |
Suitability for the Glory of God |
Spiritual Exercise |
The Essential Newness of the New Creation |
Sep-Oct |
Pride and Its Undoing
Deliverance in a Day of Judgment
Things Which Will Be Shaken
"Gather My Saints Together"
1953 |
Jan-Feb |
A Man in the Glory |
"For the Glory of God" |
Mar-Apr |
Responsibility For What We Have (republished in 1971) |
The Wondrous Ways of God |
May-Jun |
Golden Snuffers |
Jul-Aug |
The God Who Does Wonders |
Sep-Oct |
Keeping Christ in View
1954 |
Mar-Apr |
God’s Good Pleasure
"The Lord is Greater Than All" |
Vessels of Ministry |
May-Jun |
"I Have Loved Thee" |
The Spirit of Glory |
Jul-Aug |
"Looking Unto Jesus" |
1955 |
Jan |
Principles of Divine Guidance |
The Coming of the Kingdom in Power |
Feb |
He Ever Liveth to Make Intercession |
May-Jun |
In the Train of His Triumph |
The Foundations of an Exemplary Christian Life
Sep-Oct |
The Lordship of Christ |
Nov-Dec |
The Supreme Importance of Knowing Christ |
1956 |
Explanation of the Nature and History of "This Ministry" |
Jan-Feb |
The Divinely Appointed Place of Christ |
God's Sovereign Activities
The Amen
"Jehovah Shammah"
Sep-Oct |
"Watchman, What of the Night?" |
Taking Heavenly Ground
1957 |
The Altar (The Cross) Governs Everything |
"Thy Way Was in the Sea" |
Jan-Feb |
The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength |
A Message for the Hour
One of the Greatest Needs
1958 |
Jan-Feb |
The Alpha and The Omega |
The Removing of Those Things That Are Shaken
When We Cannot See the Way
Mar-Apr |
I Have Learned... I Know... I Can Do... Through Christ |
The Only Reality
The Final Call of God
Dec |
Partners |
1959 |
Mar |
The Stones of Testing |
Apr |
The Spirit of Service |
Apr |
Let Us Go On |
May |
Blessedness of the Unoffended |
Jul-Aug |
The Cross and the God of Hope |
Sep-Oct |
Resurrection: A Living Personal Reality |
What We See
Nov-Dec |
Spiritual Warfare |
1960 |
Jan-Feb |
The Unveiling of Jesus Christ |
Mar |
Aspects of
the City |
May |
A Holy Nation |
Jul-Aug |
Jealousy for God |
"Do It Yourself" |
Sep-Oct |
God's Standard of Values
1961 |
Mar-Apr |
The Parables of the Kingdom |
The Spirit in Prison
May-Jun |
Subjected... in Hope
Jul-Aug |
A Positive and Purposeful God |
The Law of Travail
Threshing, and the Lord's Balance
1962 |
Jan-Feb |
"Even Barnabas" |
God’s Instrument in a Day of Declension |
Mar |
Man's Alternative to God's Best |
Sep-Oct |
Truth in The Inward Parts |
Nov-Dec |
"I Will Overturn" |
1963 |
Jan-Feb |
Stephen - Thy Witness |
A Right Thing Done in a Wrong Way |
May-Jun |
"Here Am I; Send Me'' |
The Swing of the Pendullum |
The True Nature of New Testament Christianity |
"This is the Message... Fellowship" |
Sep-Oct |
Prison - Vision - Provision
Training in the House of God |
1964 |
Jan-Feb |
A Tragic Answer to Prayer |
May-Jun |
The Overcomer at the End-time
Jul-Aug |
From Heaven or From Men? |
Food for the Hungry
This Psychic Age |
Sep-Oct |
Ye Are... A Holy Nation |
At the Crossroads
In God or Outside of God?
1965 |
Jan-Feb |
Features of the City and Its Inhabitants
"Not This Way Before"
"The Gospel Which We Preach"
Mar-Apr |
The Mystery of Divine Support |
The Nature of Divine Life |
Jul-Aug |
Complementary, Not Contradictory |
Death and Resurrection |
The Fountain and the Cisterns |
Divine Strategy in What is Positive
Nov-Dec |
A Good Warfare |
A Heart for God's Testimony |
Jonathan's Arrow |
1966 |
Jan-Feb |
Having Our Eyes Opened
The Necessity of Giving Earnest Heed to the Things That Have
Been Heard |
The Transcendent "Sign" |
Nov-Dec |
"A Very Deep Concern..." |
Glory at the End |
The Positive Ground of the Church |
1967 |
The Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Anointing
Mar-Apr |
The Candlestick All of Gold |
"In Spirit and In Truth" |
That Extra Mile |
May-Jun |
The Increase of Spiritual Capacity |
Sep-Oct |
The Supreme Vocation |
The Need for Positive Ground |
Nov-Dec |
Portents of the Day of the Lord
1968 |
May-Jun |
Taking the End by Faith |
"Whither the Tribes Go Up" |
Jul-Aug |
"A House of Prayer For All People" |
The Pre-eminent Mark of a Life Governed by the Spirit |
Nov-Dec |
This Present Evil World |
1969 |
Mar-Apr |
More Pioneers of the Heavenly Way |
"Ye Are My Friends" |
May-Jun |
The Greatness and Glory of God's Name |
The Testimony of the Blood |
Jul-Aug |
Christianity - A Process of Transformation |
The Momentousness of Jesus Christ |
Sep-Oct |
An Apostle's Supreme Ambition |
1970 |
Jan-Feb |
Faith Operating in a Dark Day |
Simulation - Exaggeration - Predomination |
Jul-Aug |
Equipment for the Ministry |
The Great Divide and the Great Transition |
Sep-Oct |
Remembering and Forgetting |
1971 |
May-Jun |
Friendship With God |
Sep-Oct |
The Word, The Work and the World |
Nov-Dec |
"Loose Him, and Let Him Go!" |
Spiritual Understanding |
The Revelation of the Father |
in TTM Magazines After His Death
1972 |
A Child Over the Nations |
"By My Spirit" |
Coming Down From God Out of Heaven |
Faith's Persistency |
God Needs Gideons |
God's Call to the Life Above |
Not Now But Afterwards |
The Importance of Being in the Spirit |
The Great Prize |
The Relevance of Christ |
1973 |
Let Us Run |
Priesthood and Life |
1974 |
The Crisis of Pentecost |
The Lord’s Assembly |
The Law of the House |
The Time is Shortened |
1975 |
Foundation Truths |
Take Your Share |
"The Lord is With Him" |
The Fulfilled Law |
The Street of Pure Gold |
Where Are You Looking? |
1976 |
Christ the Power of God |
Significant Salutations |
The Well Within |
Where Do You Stand? |
1977 |
"In the Likeness of His Resurrection" |
The Coming of the Crowning Day |
The Crown of the Incorruptible |
1978 |
"A Man in Christ" |
Mentality of the Spiritual Warrior |
The Importance and Value of God-given Vision |
The Silver Trumpets of
Redemption |
1988 |
When the Books Are Opened |
1989 |
An Open Heaven |