The Centrality and Universality of the Cross (1927)
T. Austin-Sparks
Chapter 3
(In reading these addresses it will be found profitable to
consult the chart of
the August Number.)
We shall continue where we left this theme. The point at which
we broke off was at the conclusion of the four-fold revelation
and content of the Cross in its centrality. That is, we dealt
with all that is within the first circle, which circle
represents the Body of Christ. As we have been led to say, all
that which centres in and issues from the Cross in its first and
immediate application and significance is in and for and to the
Church, which is His Body, as the instrument, sphere, the
vehicle of its own revelation and manifestation beyond the
Church and through the Church. We shall not go over that ground
even a little bit this afternoon, but go on immediately to speak
for a little while about the Church, which is His Body; for we
see how all this is through the Church. One might just make a
very inclusive statement in this connection - The Church, which
is the Body of Christ, is the sphere and the vehicle, and all the
content and issue of Christ crucified, risen, ascended and
exalted. To use the word with which the first chapter of the
Ephesian letter closes:- "He is the Head of the Church, which is
His Body: the fulness of Him that filleth all in all."
The fulness of Him that filleth all in all is the Church which
is His Body. Let me repeat that statement because it is so
important, basic and inclusive. The Church, the Body of Christ,
is the sphere and the vehicle, or channel of the full content of
Christ crucified, risen, ascended, exalted. It is His elect
instrument from all eternity for His Self-manifestation in final
fulness. The Church, the Body, is required and demanded by
Christ in order that Christ might fully and finally reveal
Himself. He is determined not to be manifest apart from His
Church, but to bind Himself in His ultimate infinite
self-manifestation to the instrumentality of His perfected Body.
His fulness is relative fulness. Our fulness is also relative
fulness and we can never know the fulness of Christ only
relatively to all the members of His Body, and we shall find our
fulness corporately and relatively and progressively toward the
final realisation of that perfect instrument.
Now, everything we have said has led up to this point. We
have seen how in the Person of Christ the Cross is basic and
essential to make known What and Who He is in Power; but the
Church is the channel through which, by the Cross, the real
nature of the Person of Christ is revealed in all the universe.
What is true concerning the Person of Christ is true concerning
the Holy Spirit who binds Himself to the revelation of the
Person, or Logos of the Cross, and that to and in, and then
through the Body, the Church. The Holy Spirit is sent to the
Body to make the Christ of the Cross real in the Body, in order
that the Body of Christ, knowing experimentally the meaning of
the Cross, may preach an experimental gospel out to the
uttermost bounds of the universe; not a theory, not a doctrine,
but a thing which in itself has been wrought out to its depths
and its fulness. The Holy Spirit is here to do that; He is sent
to secure the Body and to secure the Body of Christ as an
instrument and sphere in which Christ, crucified - in all the
infinite content of those words - becomes a living manifestation
by experience unto farther reaches of ministry in the So Great
Salvation. You have the outworking of that through all the
stages, and phases and meanings of the So Great Salvation in the
Church, the Elect Body; but it is to be revealed in all its
wonder as the infinite wisdom of God, far beyond the ranges of
the Church; and so, in that fourth section, the Second Coming of
Christ, as we saw it, you will have the consummation of the
gospel by the Holy Ghost in the Person of Christ as in the Body
of Christ.
The Body of Christ is the Person of Christ revealed. All that
Christ is in His Person and all that He possesses is brought
into action and expression in the Body of Christ in the Church.
That carries you a tremendously long way - even to take a
fragment; and a familiar fragment - as the exceeding greatness
of the power of God was manifested and expressed in raising Him,
the Head, from the dead, even so, that same exceeding greatness
of His power has got to bring the Body into resurrection union
with Christ, and there you get the exceeding greatness of the
power of Very God wrought in the experience of the Body of
Christ, and what is true of that, is true of everything else in
the Person. Is He Life so He is Light; and if He is Life and
Light; so He is Power; and if He is Power, He is also Glory; and
you may expand that unto all the ranges and realms of the
content of the Divine Person and find that that content is being
mediated by the Holy Ghost to, and through the Church, which is
His Body, unto that timeless day when all that Christ is will be
revealed in, and through His Body for ever; so that we may truly
say that the Church and Christ, the Body and the Head are One in
content and expression.
The Person of Christ is bound up with this elect instrument of
His manifestation. We have often put it in this way, that He has
chosen that this new form of His incarnation is the Body, and
He, in essence, is at the very centre of that Body, and if you
touch the Body you touch Christ - if you touch a member of the
Body you touch Christ. "He that toucheth you, toucheth the apple
of God's eye" is an Old Testament word with a New Testament
significance of very great importance. We have so often pointed
that out. It was here that Paul, the Apostle, got His first
glimmer of revelation concerning the Body of Christ when the
voice said to him - "Why persecutest thou Me," and but for some
perception and insight, which probably came by that action of the
Spirit upon him, he might have answered "But I am not persecuting
You, I am persecuting these heretics, these apostates, these followers of the
Nazarene." But he saw that the two were one, and to touch them
was to touch Him Whom he there and then called "Lord," to Whom
he submitted himself for instruction and direction from that
moment. That was his first inkling of the Body of Christ, the
oneness of Christ and His members. From that the thing grows
until one day he is caught up in peculiar circumstances and
shown this thing in its greater fulness. But there it is, the
Cross is in that thing, and the Person of Christ is inseparably
bound up with the Body of Christ, and the Body of Christ is
Christ in that sense.
Now, that is reiterating things which you have often heard, but
here we are being led to cover the whole ground of this
testimony which we feel has been deposited with us to bear
before the world. So then the Body of Christ is Christ in
content and expression. There is much to be done, we know, by
sanctification, by the continuous working in and working out of
the Cross in the Body before the full revelation of Christ is
possible. There are many yet to be gathered by the Cross and
added into that ultimate and consummate revelation of Christ,
but if it is only the nucleus of that Body, there He is. He is
implicate, He is present.
Now having said that, there is another thing which grows out of
it, or another thing to be said which is but the defining or
explanation of it more fully. It is a very interesting thing to
notice how truly this is revealed right through the word of God
- the oneness of the Lord and His temple. In our recent
considerings of the Testimony of Jesus, we saw on the last
occasion what the word says about the tabernacle of the
testimony. We saw first of all the pure testimony as within the
ark, and then the ark as containing the testimony (the ark of
the testimony), and then we moved out, and saw that beyond the
central testimony and the ark of the testimony there is the
tabernacle of the testimony. Now, if the testimony is that
central reality of the Person of Christ, and the ark represents
that instrument by which He personally and individually brings
that testimony into the world in His own personal incarnation as
separate, then the tabernacle of the testimony is the Church
which is His Body, and with it all the congregation is gathered
together. There is the innermost thing in the type where the
people do not come; but they do come into the tabernacle of the
testimony and are one with it, and you notice that all that
takes place there is on the ground of identification with it.
Now we are not going to yield to the temptation to show how
truly that is so, but there it is.
Now as to the tabernacle of the testimony. The tabernacle and
its counterparts, in the later temples, the temple of Solomon,
the temple of Zerubbabel, the temple at Jerusalem, and the
temple of Ezekiel are the representations of the full ministry
of Christ. They are the instruments, the vehicles of the
revelation of the whole and entire ministry of what Christ is.
Will you turn to the Book of the Revelation - here is a
remarkable thing (4:7) "And the first creature was like a lion,
and the second creature like a calf, and the third creature had
a face as of a man, and the fourth creature was like a flying
eagle." - Chap. 4:7.
"And when He had taken the book, the four living creatures and
the four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having
each one a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the
prayers of the saints. And they sang a new song, saying, Worthy
art Thou to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for
Thou wast slain, and didst redeem us unto God with Thy blood out
of every tribe and tongue and people and nation" (v.8).
Now go back from that. You know that the whole congregation, or
church of God in the wilderness was gathered under four main
standards, or banners. In the Book of Numbers they were divided
into four great sections each of which had a banner or a
standard. Issachar, Judah, and Zebulon under the standard of
Judah, and upon their banner or standard there was the figure of
a lion. Manasseh, Ephraim and Benjamin were gathered under the
standard of Ephraim upon which was inscribed the figure of an
ox. Then Simeon, Reuben and Gad were gathered under the standard
of Reuben upon which was inscribed the figure of a man. Asher,
Dan and Naphtali under the standard of Dan which bore as its
insignia the figure of an eagle. When you come to Ezekiel's
visions of the temple you find that this four-fold figure is
there - the lion, the ox, the man and the eagle. The tabernacle
- the temple.
Now the Revelation, and you notice that it is not Christ Himself
in any separate way, but under this four-fold similitude, a
congregation singing a new song - "Worthy art Thou for Thou wast
slain," so that the two are one, here is the church united to
Christ. But what is the implication of this four-fold insignia?
Well, this is the implication of the four-fold revelation of
Christ in the church. He is the lion of the tribe of Judah. The
lion, of course, is always the symbol of royalty, sovereignty,
and it is the sovereignty of Christ in the church that is the
revelation here. He is Sovereign Head, say the Apostle. The
sovereignty of Christ, the monarchy of Christ, the regality of
Christ is over the Church and upon the Church, and it is
gathered under His supreme authority - "Wherefore God hath
highly exalted Him and given Him the title of sovereignty above
every title of sovereignty both in this age and in that which is
to come in every realm, things in heaven and earth, things under
the earth," and that sovereignty is to be resident in the church
and demonstrated through the Church which is His Body.
Now you note how in the case of Israel this was true by reason
of their identification with this central thing of their life -
the Testimony of Jesus - Jesus there at the centre of their
national life - their oneness with Him: there was not a nation
that was able to stand before them all the days of their
faithfulness to that central thing. While their faithfulness and
allegiance were maintained, while they were true to it, while
they were unswerving in their discerning of the Lord in the
midst, while all the meaning of the Cross as there presented in
its manifold expression in the altars and the sacrifice and the
priesthood was forever governing their lives, keeping sin out
and ruling out their own personal interests and ruling in the
glory of God, though humanly and naturally they were altogether
at a discount (they were not a people who could have stood
against the Midianites and the Amalekites and all the children
of the East, and against those mighty world forces of Egypt and
Babylon), yet while they are true, and it is a poor kind of
allegiance that they show, nevertheless, wheresoever there in an
expression of faithfulness, the great world forces go down
before them. The sovereignty is manifested; the power of their
sovereign Head is shown through them to all the nations round
about. There it is in foreshadow, in prevision. And these are
only types and illustrations, and if that was true in the case
of the church in the wilderness with all that it was not which
it ought to have been, and all that it was that it should not
have been, how much more ought this to be true of that which
stands upon the ground of justification in full and final
acceptance with God, through the Cross, having perfect access, without a question. But, beloved, first of all
the Cross is the basis of the sovereignty of the Lord Jesus, and
just as that Cross becomes central in the experience, not in the
doctrine, not in the theology merely, but in the experience of
the church, so the sovereignty of Christ, by the Cross, is
resident within the Church by the Holy Ghost, and manifest
through the Church. There is the Lion.
The ox we know is always a dual symbol of service and sacrifice,
and here is Christ in another phase of His ministry and activity
- the Servant of Jehovah - the Sacrifice of God. Is it necessary
for me to even use time, very precious time, in covering the
ground which sets Him forth in that two-fold capacity - serving,
suffering - "The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but
to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many". There you
have the two things in one statement, as in many other
statements. Beloved, that which is true of the Head (bear with
me in my continuous repetition) must be true of all the members.
That we are to be baptised into His sufferings and to make up
that which is lacking of the sufferings of Christ for the Body's
sake. And that is service, you see, taking our share in the
suffering in order to serve, as that wonderful passage which the
apostle writes to the Corinthians in the second letter [says]
"Death worketh in us, but Life in you." "Our sufferings are on
your behalf." "Baptised into His sufferings!" "Can ye drink of
the cup that I drink? Can ye be baptised with the baptism that I
am baptised with? And they said - We can, and He said - You
shall." And they knew it, and to this one who had been for a
time the blind instrument of Jehovah, and yet in the hands of
the Devil, to cause them to drink of that cup, even Saul of
Tarsus had had said concerning him at the time of his claiming
as an elect vessel, "I will show him how great things he must
suffer for My Name's sake," and he speaks about that in the
fourth and sixth chapters of the second Corinthian letter -
sharing and tasting of the sufferings of Christ. But listen, put
the emphasis here: suffering which is service.
You suffer in your relationship to the Lord Jesus. Do you turn
your eyes in upon yourself? Why am I suffering? Why should I
have so much? Why should it always be I who get it? What have I
done? What is wrong with me? Don't always turn your eyes in like
that. Remember that the sufferings of Christ come upon some
above measure not because they are sinners more than other
sinners, but because they are elect instruments for the Body's
sake unto a service, and if you are going to be an instrument of
the revelation of the fulness of Christ, you have got to be
chosen in the furnace of affliction, a sharer in His sufferings.
Take comfort from that.
There has never yet been a man, or woman, who truly in the
experience of things by the Holy Ghost has been a living
revelation and manifestation of the content of Christ
crucified, risen, ascended, exalted, who has not tasted of His
cup, tasted deeply of His sufferings. Believe that. We have a
little way of saying amongst ourselves here, "Yes, the Lord will
never be able to use them until they have suffered." There is a
great deal more in that than you realise, but if you are (and I
expect many of you are) sharing His sufferings, remember it is
unto something, and it is unto something which need not be
merely related to the short span of your remaining years. This
Body of Christ and its members are timeless in their ministry;
it only begins here, it is going on in eternity. "And His
servants shall serve Him, for they shall see His face."
Oh, that we knew the true nature of spiritual service. We think
to serve the Lord means to be rushing around all the time taking
meetings, organising religious movements, and doing a thousand
and one things externally and feverishly and excitedly and
having a full programme of engagements. The Lord undeceive us!
Spiritual service is not that, beloved. You may take it that
spiritual service in reality, every ounce of it is an ounce of
blood, of passion. It is out of the Cross of Christ, and nothing
that is not born out from that Cross ever achieves the mighty
ends of Calvary, and that has got to be born out from Calvary in
the Church, at the centre of which the Cross is planted. Service
and suffering: that is a ministry of Christ entrusted to the
Church and fulfilled through the Church to reach the utmost
limits of God's intention and purpose, through Calvary, and the
rim of the universe, to reach that. Your service will be through
suffering, and therefore, the deeper you are baptised into His
death, the fuller you are raised into the power of His effective
service. Have you got that? If you forget a lot else, remember
that. So, then, there is the ox, and that is Christ and the
And then the man. You know how often the figure of a man and the
word "Son of Man" occurs in the Old Testament, and then you come
in the New to the all-inclusive Son of Man. "The Son of Man is
come to seek and to save that which was lost." Now the man
figure, the man reality in the divine presentation always means
representation and speech. The one who stands to represent
another and to utter the mind of that other. So it was with the
prophets - "Son of man, go, speak." "Son of man, stand, speak!"
Representation and speech, that is the man. Well, now, that is
so obviously true in the case of the church, that the church is
the voice of the enthroned Christ, representing Him. It is His
representative to speak for Him. Beloved, you need in all your
visions to restrict them to this one thing, for the Lord will
only make His voice heard. That is all surely we want, we don't
want personality. We do not want a great deal of human power,
and wit, and wisdom and genius, all we want to be is a voice,
and that the voice of the Lord, representing Him and speaking
for Him.
Finally, the eagle as over the camp, the head of which was Dan;
and the eagle throughout the word of God represents heavenly
glory and divine mystery - that is a phase of the expression of
the Lord Jesus. He, Himself, is a mystery in that scriptural
sense of it. He always was a mystery when He was on the earth.
"There standeth one among you whom ye know not." "The world hath
not known Me." "Which none of the princes of this world knew."
They knew Him not because (as He said) "the world seeth Me not,
but ye see Me." There is something veiled, something hidden. He
is the mystery, says Peter, which God fore-ordained to be a
propitiation for our sins.
In reverting to the Tabernacle of the Testimony we see how that
tabernacle was a mysterious thing to the nations round about. It
had no beauty that they could see, no enchantment for them,
nothing they would covet, and yet there was something about it
in their consciousness mysteriously mighty; they had no entrée
to its secret, no share in its meaning; it was only those who
were one with it, only those who lived by it and knew it who
knew its secrets, the secrets of its glory, the secrets of its
power. Now here are the two things - the mystery of God, the
mystery which has been hid from ages and generations, what is it
- "Christ in you." Not Christ in isolation, but in you and in
you corporately, the Church, the Body.
Christ in you, that is the mystery which has been hid from the
foundation of the world, and the church in its spiritual nature
and reality is a mysterious thing to the world. One has so often
pointed it out, it becomes more and more mysterious even to the
religious people of the churches of the day. The true church
cannot be appreciated, or understood; the real spiritual people
of God who form His Body are beyond the ken of the religious
natural man who is always talking about "the church"
nevertheless, and making much of "the church"! Oh, but this
thing is a thing which is neither understood, nor appreciated;
it is a mystery, and its deepest reality is its deepest mystery.
Christ in you! There is the four-fold ministry and presentation
and revelation of Christ the heavenly glory. You ask the average
religious person today to come on a Bank Holiday to a meeting in
a tent in a garden like this and see what he will say! He will
see no heavenly glory in that, and to listen to addresses by the
hour! No heavenly glory in that. We smile because we know the
heavenly glory in a mystery. The multitude of holiday makers
will go home empty of heart tonight, and we shall go, I trust,
with full hearts and eternal treasures. But that is the heavenly
glory in a mystery, which none of the princes of this world knew
- "Christ in you" "the fulness of Him that filleth all in all."
Now you see that leads you right through the Old Testament - the
tabernacle - the four-fold symbol on the standards in the
revelation of that great temple given to Israel, the same
symbols; out then when you come to the higher form of
realisation here in the ultimate Revelation in this book, the
four living creatures they are Christ in the church, and the
church worshipping the Lamb because this four-fold thing has
been wrought in them, "Thou hast redeemed unto Thyself, Thy
sovereignty through service and sacrifice in Thy church and by
Thy church, Thy representative, unto Thy heavenly glory, which
is a secret glory and a mystery. Thou hast redeemed unto
Thyself." And all these elements turn to worship the Lamb, all
these elements of divine expression and manifestation provoke
the Song of Worship - "Worthy art Thou." It is the church
triumphant singing "Worthy the Lamb," because the Lamb has
become the dearest possession to the church, and all His
ministry has been fulfilled in her.
At this point, of course, we ought to go right on without a
break to show that by the church, out of the church you do reach
to the nations, so that out of the nations He is redeeming to
Himself a people of every tongue and tribe and nation, but there
we must stop for the present.