The Stewardship of the Mystery
T. Austin-Sparks
Chapter 10 - The "Mystery" or Divine Secret in the Letter to the Colossians
In this Letter the term occurs four times (1:26, 27; 2:2; 4:3). To
read carefully each of these occurrences is to be made aware of the
tremendous thing that this "Mystery" was.
To realise the occasion of the Letter is to add to its vital
importance. Without taking time to explain that context and to go
into all its technicalities, let us simply say that those to whom
the letter was written were becoming involved in a colossal system
of mystical ideas. These had to do with ranks and grades of
spiritual or angelic intelligences, from the lowest order of such,
up and up to the pre-eminent angelic intelligence. Even the highest
and greatest was but an angel. This philosophy (wisdom of man) was
prepared to give Jesus Christ a very high ranking in this mystical
system, perhaps the highest, but only as an angel, short of very
Right straight, flat, direct, and devastating was the Apostle as he
levelled this Letter against this limitation and distortion of
Christ. Hence the well-nigh matchless paragraphs which declare Him
to be "the Son of God's love"; "the image of the invisible God";
"the firstborn of all creation"; in whom "were all things created,
in the heavens and upon the earth, things visible and things
invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers;
all things have been created through him, and unto him; and he is
before all things, and in him all things consist (hold together).
And he is the head of the body, the church... that in all things he
might have the pre-eminence", and so on. He ranges back to eternity
past and on to eternity to be. He ranges all realms and comprehends
all things. What potentialities are His! What glory is vested by the
Father in Him! What a 'spoiling' this 'philosophy and vain deceit'
of men carries with it! What a robbing of the Son of that
'indwelling of the fulness of the Godhead'! (2:8-10). This is just
mysticism, it is not the Divine "Mystery".
Now, the infinite wonder and amazing blessing of all this concerning
this Son is focused down to "this mystery among the Gentiles, which
is Christ in you, the hope of glory" (1:27). "And you..."
The whole Letter has to be read in the light of this transcendence
of Christ brought into the vessel of His Body - the Church, and the
Church's "hope of glory" thereby and therefore. As this is not an
exposition of the Letter, we only mean to keep to the great
'Stewardship' which the Apostle Paul conceived as his trust, and how
that stewardship is embodied in the true spiritual Church which is
His Body. All the Church's hope of glory is centred in and bound up
with this absolute transcendence of "the Son of his love".