From a Series of Meditations in the Book of Exodus
Reading: Exodus 27:1-8; Hebrews 10:3-10; Romans 12:1-2; 1 Timothy
We come now to the next thing in the order as set forth in this part
of the book; that is, the great altar, and we notice that we move
now from the door of the sanctuary right to the gateway of the
court, the first place of any contact with God, and that is at the
That movement is a complete movement. There is that which, as we saw
in our last meditation, stands between, a thing of very great
importance, but it is not mentioned here. We are taken right from
the door to the altar, and that carries its own great spiritual
The Goal is First Brought into View
God has from His side commenced with the sanctuary, because God
always begins with His end. That is to say, He brings His final
object into view, and then works toward that. And so He has brought
the sanctuary first into view, set it forth and dealt with it, and
then He moves out to deal with that which leads to it.
The Church - Christ and His members in perfect union and glory - is
God's supreme object. That is God's end, and with that God begins.
You will notice that whenever you are contemplating things from
God's side that is His method. When things are contemplated from our
side the method is reversed. You take the letter to the Ephesians,
for instance, and there you have everything contemplated from God's
side, that is, from the heavenly standpoint. This, indeed, is the
difference between the writings of Peter and Paul. Peter's writings
contemplate us as pilgrims and strangers on the earth: Paul's
writings contemplate us as already seated together in the heavenlies
in Christ. One is the earthly aspect of things, and the other is the
heavenly. The one presents things as viewed from our position; the
other presents things as viewed from God's position. So that when
you take up the letter to the Ephesians you are viewing things
entirely from the Divine standpoint, and what you find right at the
commencement of that letter is the Church as represented in
completeness before the foundation of the world. You must remember
that all that is in the letter to the Ephesians bears a corporate
character. It is a corporate law that governs the whole letter, and
while it is of individual application, all that is said there is
said in a corporate and related sense. Thus when it says at the
outset we were "chosen in him before the foundation of the world",
it is a reference to the Church. It is the Church that was chosen in
Him before the foundation of the world; from the Divine standpoint
you have the end at the beginning. Before anything else in the way
of process is dealt with you have the end presented, and God always
starts with His end. He always introduces what He is finally after
and then begins to work toward that. So in this order in the book of
Exodus, the first order as unfolded here (for you will have the
order changed later) it is God speaking, not man making. You have
the sanctuary mentioned, and then you move to that which points to
the sanctuary, the way into the sanctuary.
The Cross (Altar) the Way of Realization
The point is that the Church is God's supreme object. That is God's
end. But now the Church is only possible by the Cross. The Church
demands the Cross both for its existence and for its character. It
is the Cross which makes the Church possible as an entity, and it is
the Cross which gives the Church its essential character. In other
words, the Church is based upon what the Cross means.
Now that is our great point at this time; to that we have to come
back; with that everything is related. The Cross issues in the
Church; otherwise it has missed its meaning. It is intended to lead
on to the Church. The Church is based upon the Cross; otherwise it
is not God's Church, not the Church according to God's thought. We
see, then, why there is this direct movement from the door of the
sanctuary right through the court to the very gate, where we find
the great altar.
The altar is said to be the place where God comes out to speak with
sinful man. It is not the same speaking as in the Most Holy Place,
where it is a matter of fellowship, communion, and the revelation of
His heart to man for man's government, for the direction of his
life, for the bringing of man into all the thought of God. That is
the speaking in the Most Holy Place. But here it is another kind of
speaking, shall we say, a more elementary speaking, a speaking that
has to do with foundations. You will see this if you turn to Exodus
29:42-44. This is what is said: "I will meet with the children of
Israel there". It is God coming out. In the case of the Most Holy
Place it is man coming in, but this is God coming out, and the altar
is the place at which God comes out in grace to sinful man. The very
dimensions and constitution of the altar speak of that truth. He
speaks in grace to sinful man.
Now the altar is five cubits by five cubits, and three cubits high,
and it is made of brass. Five is the number that typifies grace, as
we have seen, three is Divine perfection or Divine fulness, while
brass stands for judgment unto righteousness. There are all the
terms of grace. God (that is three); grace (that is five); brass
(that is judgment unto righteousness). God speaks, but He speaks, as
that passage in Timothy shows, in connection with one who has
mediated between God and man by the offering of Himself a sacrifice,
one who has given Himself for sin, the righteous for the
unrighteous, that He might bring us to God. So that what God says at
the altar, as He comes out to sinful man, is concerning
righteousness provided on the ground of sin atoned for. Pardon,
peace, reconciliation, are the words of grace in which He speaks to
sinful man in the great altar. This is the foundation of the
sanctuary, the first thing in relation to the Church. The Church is
built on that; the Church takes its character from that; the Church
has its existence because of that; that leads to the Church, makes
the Church possible.
But that is not all. We have to get inside all that and see really
what it means, and note how comprehensive and inclusive the altar
The Supreme Meaning of the Altar (Cross)
In the first place it is the altar of whole burnt-offering. Other
kinds of offerings will also be offered upon it, as, for example,
the sin-offering and the trespass offering, each having its own
significance, but it is primarily the altar of whole burnt-offering.
The whole burnt-offering was one which all went up to God. Nothing
was reserved from this offering, but all was consumed. The one and
only issue of every such offering was that God smelled a sweet
savour, that a cloud of smoke went up to God, and that is all there
is of it. After that only ashes remained; it was a whole
burnt-offering. We are speaking of the comprehensiveness and
inclusiveness of this altar.
Then the size of it is also significant. It is not a small thing. To
convey some idea of the size of this altar, let me remind you that
all the vessels of the Holy Place could be placed inside this altar;
the table of shewbread, the candlestick, the golden altar, all could
be fitted inside this brazen altar. It was large enough to
comprehend them all. That is not merely a technical fact, but there
is a relatedness in this; for all those things are spiritually found
to be bound up with this altar. They have their place in this altar,
and in a spiritual sense they are the outcome of this altar. All
that the table, and the lampstand, and the golden altar stand for
comes out of this great altar, has its virtue there. This is a
comprehensive thing, and an all-inclusive thing.
What, then, is the meaning of it? What is the comprehensiveness?
Hebrews 10 explains what the comprehensiveness of this altar is.
Verse 8 presents a summary of our Lord's judgment of the order He
found on His coming into the world. "Sacrifices and offerings and
whole burnt offerings and sacrifice for sin thou wouldest not...
which are offered according to the law". That is a reference to this
repeated offering of sacrifices under the law. "Then said he..."
When? When He recognised that this sort of thing was not getting to
God's end, was not effecting God's purpose. All these offerings, and
the blood of bulls and of goats, were not taking away sin, nor
producing a conscience void of offence toward God. All this was only
typical, and without real inward virtue, power, dynamic. There was
no deliverance, and really it was not bringing man to God. Then,
when He recognised that, when He knew that, "Then said he (now He is
coming to put something in the place of all that, to do something
which gets to the end appointed by God, indicated by all that, but
never reached by it) Lo I come to do thy will, O God". What is the
great altar? What is the inclusiveness and comprehensiveness of the
great altar? It stands to speak of God's will wholly and perfectly
Now that is comprehensive. It says this: The will of God involves,
implies, carries with it, utterness for God. All goes up to God;
there is nothing left but ashes; all is utterly for God. That is the
altar, and that is the will of God. The will of God is a
comprehensive thing. It bounds the universe. God projected His will
concerning His Son, and there was another will which rose up in this
universe against that will of God and said, "I will exalt my throne
above the stars of God"; "I will be like the Most High". That was
the expression of a will that is against the will of God concerning
His Son. The asserting of that other will against the will of God
meant the rending and rifting of a heavenly order, and Satan in whom
that other will was found was hurled down with his hosts. Now the
next appearance is of Satan coming to God's creation, to man, and by
way of the mind and the heart, the reason and the desire, reaching
the will of Adam. He besieged the will. Adam surrendered his will to
Satan, and so the whole race in Adam had introduced into it a will
that is contrary to the will of God, and it is manifested and
expressed in this way, that man is not controlled by God: he is for
himself; and that means that he is for the Devil. There is another
will, and we cannot get away from the fact.
It does not matter how far we go on with God, even though it be to
the point of our becoming the most saintly, we never reach the point
where, in some further revelation of God, making increased demands
upon us, it is not necessary for us to surrender our will anew, to
have a new dealing with God in the realm of our will. To put that in
the reverse way is to say that right to the end it is possible for
us to have a reservation from God, and to choose another way. There
is that other will in this universe.
Now the Lord Jesus came into the world deliberately in relation to
the will of God as against that other will, and His whole life is
marked by this principle, this law, "Not my will, but thine" - "I
delight to do thy will, O my God": "I am come to do thy will". It is
not just a question of seeking to know the will of God in daily
affairs; it is an attitude of heart which says comprehensively,
embracing all details in its sweep, 'I am here in relation to the
will of God, and I am utterly abandoned to that great will of God;
and that means that God must have everything'. That is the whole
burnt offering. God must have everything; not a place but the whole
place, not things but all.
That is the meaning of the Cross. That is the meaning of the altar.
It is upon that the Church stands, and from that it takes its
character, and it is in relation to that the Holy Spirit assumes
control. The Holy Spirit assumes control of the believer on the
ground of the Cross, and He assumes that the believer is consecrated
wholly to God and proceeds accordingly. If ever He comes up against
any hitch in us He says, in effect, "Well, I was simply going on
with what I have come for. If you do not want Me to do that, then
our relationship in a practical way must be suspended until you come
to the altar, until you accept the real meaning of the Cross which
you profess to have accepted". The whole will of God is fundamental.
It is not something that we come to later in life, and which we term
the higher life, or the life of holiness, or the deeper spiritual
life, or something like that. It is fundamental. From God's
standpoint the Cross means utterness for God, and it is this the
Holy Spirit assumes when we accept the Cross, and He deals with us
This word in Romans 12:1-2 comes right to the point: "I beseech you,
therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God (the mercies of God are
because of His having found a propitiation for sins, a mediator
between God and man: upon that ground, because of the mercies of God
I beseech you) to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy,
acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service (spiritual
worship); and be not fashioned according to this age: but be ye
transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may
what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God".
The Whole Burnt-offering and the Believer
Now you notice that there is a difference here. The Apostle is not
saying, 'You must do what Christ did, and on the same basis'. Christ
presented His body a living sacrifice as an atonement, a
propitiation. The Apostle does not say that we are to do that, but
He marks the difference in this way. He says that when the Lord
Jesus did that He did it to perfect the will of God concerning man,
to make the will of God perfect in a Man. Now to us he says, 'You
present yourselves upon that basis, not as a propitiation, an
atonement, but as a freewill offering, as a praise offering, your
spiritual worship, something that is presented to God upon the basis
of Christ's full offering'. Then what will happen is that you will
come to know that the will of God is not something irksome,
difficult, hard, painful, but good, perfect, acceptable. You come
into the blessing of the will of God on the ground of Christ having
perfectly accomplished that will through suffering. But the point
that the Apostle brings out is this: You have to come alongside the
Lord Jesus, and be as it were the complement of His sacrifice, His
offering of Himself. He offered in relation to the will of God a
propitiation, an atonement: you enter into that perfected will of
God in Christ, and you find that the will of God which before was so
hard, so costly, and against you all the time because the will of
God was not in you, has now become a life, a blessing. The will of
God has been done by one Man, and you come into the good of a
perfect will of God.
I wonder if that is clear. I think we can leave the detail, at any
rate in the outworking, and note this, that we are called upon here
by the Lord to stand right into the good of what the Lord Jesus has
done in relation to God's will. "Present your bodies a living
sacrifice..." That is to say, come alongside the Lord Jesus and
enter into all that He has done in presenting Himself by presenting
yourself. In so doing you come to inherit the good of a perfectly
satisfied will of God, and you find that the will of God is now a
for you and not
against you, a thing working
in you and not in opposition to you. You are in the will of God. We
are called upon to stand in exactly the same position as the Lord
Jesus stands in today; that is, of a whole, and utter, and entire
abandonment to God.
The Will of God Absolute
Note this verse in Hebrews: "The offering of the body of Christ once
for all". Then mark the similar expression in the letter to the
Romans: "the offering up of the Gentiles". The altar is in view. On
the one Christ is offered to God for God's pleasure, for God's
satisfaction, in relation to the will of God, which must not be
regarded partially but as God's complete right in the universe. On
the other it is man coming into that offering of Christ and being
offered to God. The offering up of the Gentiles in Christ, to be
wholly for God, is being wholly in the will of God. Now that
offering up on the part of Christ makes it possible for us to know
how good, perfect and acceptable the will of God is. God's will is
all-governing, and from the Divine standpoint there are no degrees
of the will of God, it is absolute. The matter of spiritual progress
is another thing, but let us remember that God always starts from
His end, and that sanctuary represents God's end reached. Now He
comes to work, as it were, to His end, but His end is fixed. God
will never leave anyone at the altar, if He has His way. God will
never leave anyone midway in the court. There are no degrees in the
will of God.
God starts from the absolute and works in relation to the absolute,
and one of the tragedies of the Lord's people is that they have not
really seen that, when they have but accepted parts, fragments; when
they have come to the Cross and accepted the atonement for their
sins, pardon, remission, the privilege of reconciliation and peace
with God, and have stopped short there. That has become the measure
of their life; they have no more than that; they have not gone on.
That means that the Holy Spirit has not been able to go on with His
essential work toward God's end. Do remember this, that God's end is
the sanctuary, not the Cross. God's beginning is the Cross, His end
is the sanctuary, and He begins from His end. When we speak of the
sanctuary we mean that in which God has fully expressed His mind,
His purpose. And God by His Spirit would call us on, ever on. The
trouble with the Hebrews was not that they had failed to lay the
foundation, but that they had progressed no further. "Let us...
press on unto perfection (full growth), not laying again a
foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God",
and so on, was the exhortation that was addressed to them. The way
of God is that we should go on to His end, the end with which He
Do not let us be content, however glorious and great may be what we
call the evangel of sins forgiven, of acceptance with God, the
atonement and assurance of heaven. That is only the beginning. There
is an infinite fulness beyond that to which God is calling His
people. The Cross is essential to that, but the Cross is meant to
take us to it, not to hold us to itself. Although all the way along
in the progressive experience the Cross will be applied to bring us
to God's fulness, nevertheless the end which governs is God's full
end, as set forth in the sanctuary.
The challenge of the altar at this time is, Who is going to have us?
And how much of us is God to have? That is the question at the
altar. Whose are we, and how much of us is going to be possessed by
the one to whom we give ourselves? That is the challenge of the
Cross, the challenge of Calvary, and there we have to decide in a
conclusive and inclusive way: God is going to have us, and God is
going to have us utterly, and we are never accepted on any other
ground. It is a denial of the Cross to be what is called a worldly
Christian. It is a denial of the Cross to be a selfish Christian.
Christ is the example of what the Cross means in life here: "utterly
for God".
Now what we are saying is that we have to accept that fundamentally,
and that is what we profess to have done in our baptism. In being
baptised we have declared that we are now utterly for God. We have
stood on those words of the Holy Spirit through the Apostle: "We
thus judge, that one died for all (in the stead of all), therefore
all died (in him); and he died for all, that they which live should
no longer live unto themselves, but unto him..." Now our baptism has
been our public declaration of that: 'not unto ourselves';
'henceforth unto Him'. We mean that in an utter way. Well now, the
process and the progressive thing is that God is going to work that
out. Our thought must not be of accepting that in the future; our
acceptance of it is made already, and we have to stand by it, and at
every new crisis we have to say, 'Yes, but this was included in the
initial act. Lord, I meant this when I first took my stand, so there
is no room for any reservation. I meant it; You work it out, Lord'.
And the Lord will simply be working progressively now in relation to
the inclusive thing which He meant and which He took us to mean. He
will work it out until the point is reached where our wills are
utterly one with His will. That is the altar.
May the Lord have less difficulty with us in bringing us to the
place which we have accepted in our acceptance of the Cross; but may
He bring us right through by that way to His fulness, and His
working of the Cross in us be unto His working of the fuller and
ever fuller life of His glorified Son in us.