The Sanctuary of God
T. Austin-Sparks
Chapter 3 - The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Gal. 1:12; 2:2; Rev. 1:1; Ephes. 1:17; 3:3; Ephes. 1:10; Col. 1:28.
A literal translation of Gal. 1:12 is: "...nor was I taught it but
through Jesus Christ revelation". That is a key to much that is said
by Paul. It is the truth which lies behind the New Testament. All
things are summed up in Jesus Christ, and all the fulness
dwells in Him.
When God showed Moses the pattern in the mount, He was not showing a
number of things as such, but from His standpoint was showing Christ
to Moses. All the things shown stand to represent what He is in
fulness. The whole life of Israel from centre to circumference was
governed by a revelation of Jesus.
The answer to every question is not a telling us of something that
we must know as a thing, it is a fresh knowing of the Lord Jesus.
The Lord the Spirit is occupied with teaching us Jesus. However much
we may have seen of Him there is still more to see, and in order to
see the more, all that we have seen must be made as though it were
nothing for the time being, while God is bringing us to the place
where we are prepared by Him to see the Lord Jesus in a new way.
"That we may present every man perfect (or complete) in Christ"
indicates that completeness for man is God's thought. Completeness
begins in Christ Himself personally. He wholly and fully answers to
God's thought. The completeness for all others is the completeness
which is already in Christ.
Adam was created, and then it was God's thought that in a heavenly
sense he should be made complete. Adam fell into a state of ruin and
the race in Adam is in that state; but, being brought to the Lord
Jesus and by faith united with Him, we start again, at a point where
we are capable of being made complete, and there are many things
necessary unto that completeness. Redemption is the first thing, and
it goes right on to the end. God has His eyes upon one Man who is
complete, and He says, in effect, 'Your faith in that One brings you
on to the ground of that One'. We came to an end in the death of
Christ. Men are prepared to accept the end of those very
embarrassing sins that they want to get rid of, but to be brought to
an end of themselves is not always a happy thing. When it is really
an end of everything, then God comes in and it is something new.
That is the circumcision of Christ - not a pleasant experience (Col.
Col. 1:20 speaks of reconciliation in Him. In man's heart there is
enmity to God. Faith in Christ Jesus brings on to the ground where
there is no enmity; He has made peace by the Blood of His Cross. God
is disposed to us in love, favourably. He is for us, not against us.
Ephes. 3:12; 2:13. Here we see that boldness is a factor in Him
toward completeness. The enmity is all done away. There is an open
way to come right in with perfect boldness and confidence.
Ephes. 2:22: "In whom ye are builded together..." We need a
revelation of Jesus Christ in order to see what God's dwelling place
is, and that will mean that we see what Christ is as suitable for
God's habitation. Stephen before the Sanhedrin said, 'Moses built
Him a tabernacle and Solomon built Him a temple, but the Most High
dwelleth not in temples made with hands.' The tabernacle and temple
were only types. God is so much greater than tabernacle or temple
made with hands can contain. Then Stephen presented Jesus to them.
What a tremendous revelation! Now the Apostle says here: "In whom ye
also are builded together for a habitation of God in the Spirit".
All the suitability that is in Christ is made over to us through
faith in Him.
If you have not yet had a revelation of Jesus Christ you will be
setting up temples and tabernacles, having ordinances and ritual,
and you will attend so often according to arrangement, and you will
say of yourself, I am a Church member, I belong to the Church.
Listen: God's dwelling place is Jesus Christ, God's sanctuary is
Christ and those who are in Christ.
What is true as to our standing, as to what we are, is also true as
the governing reality for all movement. It is all a matter of inward
revelation of Jesus Christ. God is going to fill this universe with
Christ, not with things, not even things about Christ, but with
Christ Himself.
The letter to the Ephesians is the revelation of God's full thought
from eternity in the counsels of God concerning which He is working.
It is brought into this dispensation, but that full thought can only
be realised and be fully expressed as the Church comes into it. This
is the way: "That he would grant unto you a spirit of wisdom and
revelation in the knowledge of him..."