Chapter 4 - "The Controversy of Zion"
in no formal way, no mere custom, but in a very deep and
strong consciousness
of need, we pray. We must pray. We are this morning allowing
ourselves to be
put under new responsibility. If Thou shouldest speak, as we
have asked Thee to
do, then the words that Thou dost speak will judge us in that
day. We realise
that it is no small thing even to allow ourselves to hear the
Lord speak, but
Lord, it is a matter of capacity also. We cannot understand
unless the Spirit
of wisdom and understanding gives us the ability. Things are
going to be said
which may be the truth, but we will not understand unless
something is done by
Thee in us, and we certainly cannot follow through in
obedience unless Thou,
Lord, dost do this thing. As Thou didst say to a very beloved
disciple, "You
cannot follow Me now, whither I go you cannot follow Me now.
You shall
afterward." That "cannot" is over us and on us. We cannot
follow through
unless, Lord, there is something done by Thee. Now all this we
bring, and what
is true of hearing and obeying is just as much true of
speaking. We are not
authorities. We are not teachers. We cannot speak unless Thou,
Lord, dost the speaking.
The anointing must do it. We submit ourselves... that this time
shall be an
anointed time, a Holy Spirit time, in both ways and all ways.
It shall be the
Lord this morning. Grant it that the glory may come to Thee
and any fruit may
accrue to Thy glory. In the name of the Lord Jesus, we ask
this, amen.
We return to continue with that first fragment of Hebrews
chapter twelve, verse
twenty-two: "But ye are
unto Mount Zion, and unto the city of the Living God, the heavenly
- "Ye are come
to Mount Zion."
for this morning, I want to link with that one or two other
passages of
Scripture. First of all, back in the prophecies of Isaiah,
chapter thirty at
verse eight... Pardon me, it's chapter thirty two, Isaiah chapter
thirty two at
verse ten... and I think I'm still wrong! Chapter thirty: "Now go,
write it before
them on a tablet,
and inscribe it in a book, that it may be for the time to come
for ever and
ever." And then will you turn to the second Psalm, and
I want you to
read this psalm, perhaps we will begin at verse six, having
glanced at the
earlier part: "Yet have
I set My King
upon the holy hill of Zion. I will tell of the decree: the
Lord said unto Me,
Thou art My Son; this day have I begotten Thee."
Now you keep that psalm in mind, please, as we go on. All the
rest of it, from
that verse and before, take a glance; but I want you now to turn
to the Letter
to the Romans, and to your great favorite, chapter eight. No,
I'm not going to
read what you want me to, chapter eight at verse nineteen: "For
the earnest expectation
of the creation
waiteth for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation
was subjected to
vanity, not of its own will, but by reason of Him Who
subjected it, in hope that
the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage
of corruption into
the liberty of the glory of the children of God."
of course, you want the next bit, but I am leaving that and
going on to verse
twenty-nine: "For whom
He foreknew, He
also foreordained to be conformed to the image of His Son,
that He might be the
Firstborn among many brethren: and whom He foreordained, them
He also called:
and whom He called, them He also justified: and whom He
justified, them He also
Now between those two portions that we have read, we have this:
twenty-two and twenty-three, "For we
know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain
together until
now. And not only so, but ourselves also, which have the
firstfruits of the
Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for
adoption, the
redemption of our body."
We are occupied with what we have come to, "Ye are come,"
ye are come, and
we have been thinking about Zion, the Zion to which we are come.
And we have said
seven things about Zion, seven things to which we have come,
constituting this
position; and I come to this eighth this morning, which is of
very serious and
solemn moment. I feel that if the Lord gets His Word through
this morning, very
largely (so far as this ministry is concerned) the conference
may hang upon it.
It is the most practical issue in this whole consideration,
position: what we
have come to in coming to Zion. Here, as you note in this
passage, Zion and
Jerusalem look to be synonymous. "Unto Zion... to the
heavenly Jerusalem."
No 'and' between, making them different things, and you
eliminate the 'ands'
from this whole section because you're not dealing with
different things. In
these various matters that are mentioned, this is all of one. It
is all one
thing. However, that by the way. Here Zion and Jerusalem come
together, are
spoken of as being one, and that gives us our starting point for
this present
consideration: Zion as the heart of
Jerusalem, as the very essence
of all that Jerusalem was intended to be, as the real spiritual meaning of Jerusalem, the concentrated
point of all that
Jerusalem represented.
Zion and Jerusalem in history and in the nations, have always been the storm center, the storm center of history, the storm center of the nations. Of course, it would take a long time for us to even look generally at the history of Jerusalem. You can do that at any time, but how many sieges, how many investments, how much was Jerusalem the object and centre of world attention and concern! Again and again and again, eyes were turned toward Jerusalem, for Jerusalem's destruction, for Jerusalem's wiping out, for Jerusalem's possession. A long, troubled history is the history of Jerusalem, even to our own time; a world centre of conflict and controversy that everybody recognizes: Zion... what the prophet calls, "the controversy of Zion."
The Controversy of Zion
has been a controversial
object in
history and in the nations all the way along. It is
extraordinary, isn't it?
You wonder, "Why? It's not such a wonderful city, is it? It's
not so great." How
long would it take you to walk across it, or even to walk around
it? What is it,
and what was it? Perhaps it's a better specimen of world cities
today, so far
as structure is concerned and modernization. But what was it
and, even now,
what is it? How can it compare with London, New York, Paris,
and any of these
others you might mention? Well, they might be centres of
attraction, truly.
There was a tremendous battle in our own lifetime to get a hold
of London. Oh,
if you had been in the battle of London, you would have known.
Fourteen months,
day and night without cessation, the city bombed, fired upon,
assailed. If you had been in that, and seen it happening, great
areas going up
in dust and smoke, you would have said, "Well, London is an
object. It counts
for something." Of course, most of you people know nothing about
it in that
way. I hope you never will, but there it is.
But Jerusalem - Jerusalem! What is that? Why, not once or twice
in a lifetime,
but right through the long history of centuries, there has been a
over Zion. And if you look closer and look into it more
carefully, you will
come to see this: that Zion, or Jerusalem, was always a sign. It
was a sign.
There was a significance attached to it, and the significance
was not its temple
aspect of buildings and
structures and economies and so on. Why, Babylon can go far
beyond all that. It
was a spiritual
thing, for you notice
this: whenever the spiritual life of Jerusalem, as representing
the people, the
nation, whenever the spiritual life was right, was right; whenever it was a matter of right standing with God, Jerusalem was in the
ascendant. Attack if
you like, let the hoards of Babylon or Assyria come against
Jerusalem and
encamp. There is a Hezekiah inside! There is a people inside who
are right with
the Lord! Waiting on the Lord! Crying to the Lord! Making the
Lord their trust.
And so much the worse for Assyria, for Babylon. In a night,
their hosts are
wiped out by the Angel of the Lord. When things are spiritually
right, it doesn't
matter how fierce, forceful, and great the assault - the
antagonism - they
stand, come through.
But from time to time, it was not like that inside. The
spiritual state was
low. There was declension. There was wrong. The standing before
God was not
right, and then Jerusalem was always in weakness, always in
fear, in dread.
Weakened from the inside, spiritually
it could not stand; and at last, at last, after more than one
assault, or breaking down; overcoming, at last, because, simply
because of this
poor, low, spiritual
Jerusalem is destroyed. Finally destroyed... that is, robbed of
its place in the
Divine economy and purpose. It's a sign of a spiritual
condition. Zion has
always been such a sign, a barometer of spiritual Life.
It is absolutely useless, dear friends, to refer to tradition
and say, "Well,
God did this in the beginning, and this is the place where the
oracles of God
are found and the temple of God is and the great tradition of
Israel as the
chosen people. It's here,
and we rest
on that." No, tradition won't support now. History will not
support now.
Institutions will not support now. It seems as though God has no
regard, at
length, for temple, or ark, or altar, or priesthood. He cries
through the
prophets: "Away, away with you. I want none of your
sacrifices." Isaiah
58... what a chapter: "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice."
follows? "Yet they seek Me daily, they love to know My
ways." "I
will have none of it", says the Lord. "I will have none of it.
These are not
the sacrifices I want. This ritual is not what I am after. This
system is not what I desire. It's a spiritual state." And only
on that can the
Lord associate Himself, ally Himself, to Zion.
For I am saying that Zion has always been a sign of spiritual condition, and that has been made
evident by whether
there was ascendancy - ascendancy, the support of God - making
them superior to
every adverse force;
or whether they
were a shame among the nations, a reproach among the nations.
With the
prophetic element, the prophetic element pointing on, of course,
to something
else, as is always so in the prophets. You have Jerusalem
crying, crying the
great heart cry: "Woe is me. Woe is me. All ye that pass by,
all ye that
pass by, have pity. Have pity, all ye that pass by." What
a tragic
situation for Zion. Shame amongst the nations! And which of the
two things? Ascendancy
or shame, glory or dishonor. Right at the centre of history and
the nations bound
up with a spiritual condition; dependent upon a spiritual
You know, there is a lot to be gathered into that statement,
dear friends, which
I could never stop even to explore. But if you look at this
letter to the
Hebrews again and see that we are come to Zion, we are not come
to some thing, some religious thing, some tradition.
We are not come to historic
Christianity -
if I may put it that way - we are come to a spiritual situation
which is
calculated to startle us.
"Oh," we say, "We are in the day of Grace. This is the dispensation of Grace!" True! Is the Letter to the Hebrews on any other ground than the ground of Grace? Surely not, but do you know in this letter the most awful things in the Bible are written: "How shall we escape..." we, we escape, we Christians, we believers of this dispensation, "how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? Our God is a consuming fire... it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God." This is said to these people, these Christians; and other things like it.
I am always having people come to me on this question of whether one's saved, or not saved, finally lost, raising the question out of Hebrews 6 and other parts. These statements, you see, "For it is impossible to renew them again to repentance," and so on. Don't raise that with me please, but I am pointing this out, that this letter in the day of Grace; a day which brings into view not some new Christian system, not the formation of a new Christian tradition, but a spiritual condition without which everything else is as nothing. Come to Zion... yes, but you have come to the controversy of Zion. You have come, we have come, to the great battle of Zion; and it's a spiritual battle. There it is then. What a battle!
Well, now, having said that, and that is the background of it all, I don't want to make you glum. I see your faces are getting a bit heavy and your chins are dropping a bit, you think I am getting back to Sinai, I think, from Zion! No, no, as I have said, this is a very solemn time. You are going to have a lot of teaching this week. It is not going to avail one little bit if there is not a corresponding spiritual position.
Well now, having said that and laid that as the background of all, it is the battle, the controversy, of Zion. And, what is the nature of this controversy? Let us look at one or two things about it, and I am working toward a very, very vital thing, which I trust we shall reach before we are finished.
The Nature of the Battle
What was the nature of the battle with Israel, centred and represented by Zion-Jerusalem? It was the battle in relation to a calling and a vocation. They were called by God. They were chosen by God. They were an elect race (see why we came to Romans eight?) an elect race, a chosen people. In history on the earth they were the elect of God. Chosen, and called, and separated... what for? To be saved? Just to be different? Just to be that? No! For a vocation, a calling, a testimony in the world, a testimony among the nations. A mighty, heavenly vocation on the earth... called for that - to reveal God, what God is like, the reality of God, the glory of God, the holiness of God, the power of God - a vessel of testimony among the nations, to the nations, to the world. Zion, as we have been saying, is that which represents God's full thought for mankind. The fulness of God's thought is vested in, centred in, Zion. And because of that, the battle starts.
That is, as it says here, "the city of the Living God." In history, it was the city of David, God's anointed king. And do you notice the history of David? Up from birth... up? It looks like down and out... but, no, steadily, steadily up. Let all the forces of Saul and his malice, his devil-driven soul, be concentrated against this young man. And what that young man suffered; you know the story. He seems to be a marked man. As we say, I do not know whether you have the phrase in this country: "a speckled bird". He seems just right from the beginning to be a marked man. The devil had put a mark on that man and was watching him, pursuing him. Poor David cries: "I am like a pelican in the wilderness... a sparrow upon the housetop." Oh yes, the object of a fierce and furious, relentless malice, for his undoing. But he holds on his way steadily; not because he is so strong, for there was times when David broke down: "I shall now perish, I shall now be killed."
He resorted to some subterfuges, a man of like-passions with us, very human; nevertheless, through it all, whether it is in the land of the Philistines by compromise (a mistake from which God sovereignly delivered him) or wherever it is - in the cave of Adullam, in the wilderness driven hither and thither for his very life - his spiritual course is on and up spiritually (it doesn't look like it outwardly) on and up until eventually, anointed, he comes to the place of the anointing, the throne. And Zion is the place of the consummation of that history of Divine election, Divine choice, Divine (dare I use the word in these days) foreordination. He is there, on the throne. He is in the place of the full thought of God, and that is centred in him. It is the place of the absolute sovereignty and Lordship of God's anointed, is Zion. We are come to Zion. We have been saying this: there is Another Greater than David that is here, and there is another Zion, greater than that, that is here. But it is on that point, dear friends, just focused upon that one inclusive and consummate point of the Absolute Sovereign Lordship of Jesus Christ that all the conflict rages and is centred.
turn to your New Testament, you know that's true. You know their
message, as they went out into
the world that then was, everywhere their message was, "Jesus
Christ is Lord: we
preach Jesus Christ as Lord."
That brought them up against
Caesar, and all the Caesars, because Caesar said:
"I am lord." The Roman Empire
said: "Caesar is lord," and they worshipped Caesar;
and the argument, contention,
accusation, was, "These men are preaching another king but
Caesar." Ah
yes, that's where the controversy was, on this one thing: the
Absolute Lordship
of Jesus Christ. The controversy of Zion is on that point ultimately, ultimately: God's Anointed.
Now you see why we read Psalm 2, "Why do the nations rage?"
nations... we are coming to that in another connection shortly.
The raging nations,
the kings of the earth
gathering themselves together against the Lord and against His
Anointed. "Let
us cast their bonds from us, let us get rid of them. They're a
menace, a
menace." - "Yet have I set My King upon My Holy Hill of Zion."
set My King! The raging, the storming, the controversy, focused
about the
Anointed One, in the Anointed One, God's Anointed.
But do you notice, it was not very long in the New Testament,
you only reach what
is marked off mechanically by chapter 4 [of the book of the
Acts]. Oh, there's
a use, of course, in having this thing that that man in Paris
did, just a few
centuries ago, when he divided up the Bible into chapters and
verses; that's
quite a modern thing. Quite useful for our purposes of
reference, but, and I
have said this often, it is a very, very good thing to wipe
those things out sometimes,
and read straight on, blind to the chapters. And you notice when
you read
chapter 4, as it is marked, you reach a point in the
controversy, the
controversy of Zion - oh, the battle is on! The battle is on,
the forces of evil
in this world have set their mark upon this Anointed One and the
of Him. And when they are at work killing James and imprisoning
Peter, the
Church meets, meets... Zion gathers, Zion gathers. And what do
they do? They
quote the Second Psalm. They quote the Second Psalm to the Lord:
"Lord, Lord,
Lord," and then they quote, "Why do the heathen or the
nations rage, and
the people imagine a vain thing... against the Lord, and
against His Anointed?"
They quote it, and what happens? What happens? "The King is
in His Holy
Mount Zion": He intervenes, He intervenes.
Oh, yes, Herod seems to have scored a great success in killing James; and he is so pleased with himself, and the people are so pleased with him. It seems he is going to do the whole business. He takes Peter and puts him in prison. That's alright, so much the worse for you, Herod! What is the end of that story? He was eaten of worms and died, and the next sentence: "But the Word of the Lord went on... prospered." There is the Holy Hill of Zion and the One Enthroned you see, because there was right standing with God then. So they quoted Psalm 2, meaning that time, time, has no place in this, geography has no place in this; but wheresoever there is a true representation of Zion - there may be assaults, seeming successes of the evil one and his powers - the issue is with Him Who is in Zion. The issue is victory. God has set His Holy One upon His Holy Hill Zion. The Anointed is there.
dear friends, you are listening to all this as Bible exposition
perhaps. I do
not know what you are thinking, what your reactions are; but I
know what I am
after. I am after something, and I hope you will move with me to
the object
that we are seeking to reach. If we have come to Zion (and you
have, perhaps,
been very pleased with the seven things about Zion, "Oh,
beautiful! Oh,
wonderful! Oh, glorious! Yes, Zion. Let's sing more about Zion.
Let's have it
as the city of our solemnities. Let's have some festivities!")
alright, alright, all true, but you have to meet number eight. If we have
come to Zion, we
have come to the controversy
of a
spiritual position on the part of a people; the controversy of
history over this
people in union with the Ascended
Exalted Lord. It's a controversial matter in this universe.
powers, world rulers of this darkness, hosts of wicked spirits,
all focused upon one
thing: the denial
of the Absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ and the Church is the custodian of that
testimony. That's our
calling. That is the
vocation of the
people of God, to be that.
Against, then,
the battle is against all that is against the testimony of
Jesus. And look at
the context of that phrase, the context of that phrase in the
Book of the
Revelation. I'm so glad the Lord has led Brother Tom along these
lines these
evenings. It's just what we were saying this morning; a terrific
battle that is
on for "the testimony of Jesus."
Well, that is the focal points of it, but then the battle, mark
you, not only
is in the atmosphere, so to speak (it's there, that is its
realm, the heavenly
places, the atmosphere, in a sense an abstract thing); but
notice again, as in
the type in the Old Testament, so in the spiritual reality in
the New, this
antagonism has its media, its vehicles, its channels, its means...
and what is
it? It is the world spirit.
The World Spirit
This evil world in its spirit... I don't think yet we have really grasped what the New Testament has to say about this world. This world: it is an enemy of God. It is an enemy of all that is of God. "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world."
In a great cry from the heart of the Lord Jesus, the prayer just before the Cross: "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, the geographical sphere that is called the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil one who rules in it." No, this has not registered yet upon the Church. The world spirit... I think you must know something of what I mean.
During this very year, the past months of this very year, I've had to have a lot to do with governmental departments or government departments. And they (my contacts with them) have been in relation to interests of the Lord; means for the work of the Lord; interests of the Lord. And do you know... well, I've known something about it in the past, but every... (I was going to use an expletive!) every blessed touch with this world, these government departments and the men at the head of them and the people, have met me with frustration. Unreasonable frustration! No reason, indeed every other reason why they should have helped, and they couldn't tell me, I'm quite sure they couldn't tell me why they didn't. I've reasoned, I've argued, I've pointed out that there's nothing, nothing at all that would be not to their interests. And yet, frustration! Frustration at every point, on no good ground at all.
strange thing is that after four months of that, from one
department to
another, this department said, "Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, but you
must go to So-and-so."
Alright, over to So-and-so: "Oh yes, oh yes, but you must go to
So-and-so." And
like that all the time, and never getting anywhere. Strange
thing is in the
end, when it was all finished, they, on their own account put
in the thing they
said would never be allowed! But what a history of touching this
world. Time servers.
Men who were governed by
something, they knew not what. Frustrating. Frustrated! This is
what I mean by
this world. It's not
going to help
us. Indeed, it is going to obstruct all the way along.
And you see in the Old Testament, it was these world interests, world
forces, the world,
that was all the
time against Zion. If you had asked them why, they would have
had to sit down
and think hard: "Why is it that we do not like that silly little
city? Those
people - who are they, what are they? Why don't we like them?"
They would have
had difficulty in answering their own question, but there is
something sinister
behind it all.
sinister intelligences know something. What do they know? They
know what the
elect is called for, and that in the long run, in the long run,
Mr. Screwtape
knows that that elect is going to be his undoing. He is going to
lose his world
power, his world title as prince of this world. He is going to
lose it all at
the hands of this One in Zion and through that corporate
expression of His
Sovereignty, His Lordship - that
Zion that
we have come to. He knows, and if you are related to that, I am
going to
comfort you by telling you: you are a marked man; you are a
marked woman. And
don't, don't succumb to second causes and say, "It is my
landlord. It is this
and that and something else." Oh, that may be the vehicle and the
medium, ah,
but there is something much more sinister than that behind it
all. Our
wrestling is not with flesh and blood, landlords, or anybody
else in the
ultimate issue. Committees? Organizations? No, there is
something behind all
this: the world
spirit. The world
I remember that Dr. Campbell Morgan, to whom I owe very much, in
his lecture on
the Letter to the Corinthians simply said this: "The whole reason for those conditions in Corinth - so
shameful, so
terrible, from which you turn from some matters in disgust and
shame, is
because the world spirit in Corinth had got into the church."
Well, there you
are. The battle is with the world
As in the old literally, so now in the new spiritually.
I need not dwell upon 1 Corinthians, need I? The world spirit? The wisdom of this world? The apostle is up against that. The conception of power in this world; he is up against that. "The wisdom and the power of God are Jesus Christ," he says, "as Lord." Alright, that is another line.
Let us go on, and this is the final phase to which I want to get so definitely this morning. It is what Romans eight, the parts we have read, bring us to as the very sum of all this that we are saying about the controversy of Zion.
The Tumult of the Nations
The tumult of the nations. Psalm 2, of course, says, "The nations rage, the kings of the earth gather together..." tumult in the nations. And the reason for it? Why the tumult in the nations?
Is there anybody here this morning who would not agree with me when I have said the nations are in tumult just now? Was there ever a time when the world, almost in its entirety, if not in its entirety, is in tumult, was in tumult, as it is now? Tumult... not only in the peoples and the nations, but convulsions in nature; convulsions in nature. We have never had it like this, have we?
these convulsions. I don't know how much you are in touch with
it, but somehow
or other we know about it. The earthquakes, famines, the
disruption of seasons,
and what not. There is (and it is the best word for it): "convulsions in the nations." Romans 8: "The whole
creation groaneth." Why, the
groaning and the moaning
that I have heard in these meetings is nothing to what is going
on in the
creation, it's bad enough...! I'm not sure, mark you, please
forgive me, I'm not
sure whether the moanings and the groanings in these meetings
that I hear, are
'we within ourselves do groan' whether it's the same thing... it
may be! However,
that's a little humour, by the way.
"The whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together."
There is an integration in a groan, it is integrated
by this travail
in the whole creation. "And not only so, but we who have the
firstfruits of
the Spirit, do groan within ourselves, waiting..."
Waiting! The creation is
groaning inwardly like this and travailing if we had a spiritual
ear to hear;
groaning with us for something. It is subjected to vanity, not
of its own will,
but by the will of Him Who subjected it. What is it groaning
for? What is this
travail to bring forth something? And what is it that is to be
brought forth?
Note the rest: The elect!
You come on that section, that great controversial section of
Romans, about
predestination, foreordination, election. Now don't come to me
about that. I am
not having anything to do with these systems of predestination
or the rest of
it. What I am saying is there is such a thing as God's elect hidden, hidden in the
nations. God
knows. You don't know, I don't know, and I cannot tell you who
is elect and not
elect. God knows. They are there, hidden, and within some there
is this spirit
of travail, longing, groaning: "Oh, that this vanity, void, not
would be removed and we should emerge, emerge, come out, be
born." The travail
should precipitate.
There we touch the heart of things. What are all these
convulsions in the
nations about, and in nature? As we are moving toward the end of
dispensation, why this... why this tumult, convulsions? Why?
Because God has
something here that is not wanted here by this world and its
prince. It is
something like Jonah in the big fish. The moment or the hour
came when the big
fish said, "Oh, look here, what have I got inside? What is this
that I have
got?" And it got the most awful attack of dyspepsia: "Oh, to get
rid of this. I'll
never be comfortable until I
have precipitated this
that I have
got inside. Let me, let me get rid of this. Let me get this
out." Of course,
under the sovereignty of God, but he makes for shore, and
precipitates. And I think
when that fish turned back into the sea he said, "Oh! There, now
I feel alright. He is gone... he is gone!"
Now am I exaggerating, imagining? Come back with me, with Israel
in Egypt. What
is happening? Convulsion after convulsion in Egypt. Convulsion!
Under the
Sovereignty of God, yes, so that steadily, gradually,
persistently, Egypt is
coming to the place: "Oh, won't it be a good day and a good
thing when we get
rid of these people!" You notice what happens at the end? "And
they thrust them
out!" They precipitated
them, they vomited them out; and I suppose although Pharaoh's
army pursued to
bring them back, the many (if not all) in Egypt said, "Thank
God they have not
succeeded and brought those people back again. We are rid of
them, and it is a
very good riddance." Now, that is not interpretation. No, there
is a people in
there, God's elect, and sooner or later the place where they are
will want to
get rid of them. "They are a menace... a menace."
But come over to Babylon, they're there. They're there! We
haven't very much to
indicate, but we have Daniel and his three friends; and we must
conclude that
they were not the only
true ones in
Babylon. There is Ezekiel. There is a remnant in Babylon, God
has a people. He
is doing something through seventy years, and then the seventy
years are
completed and what happens? The Prophet Isaiah cries, chapter
forty-three: "For
your sake have I sent to Babylon, and brought down all their
nobles." And
how did it happen? Belshazzar has his feast, the hand writes on
the wall: "thy
kingdom is divided, and removed." That night was
Belshazzar slain. How? Cyrus
and his army went stealthily through the night, moved along the
wadi, the
valley, the dry valley, through into Jerusalem, underground, and
to use the
phrases of the prophet, had "broken
in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of
iron" and
come up in the middle of Jerusalem. Slain Belshazzar, "For your
sake, for your sake, because of you,
the elect,
I have sent to Babylon, and brought down their high ones."
The people
inside are a menace! And God's object of all His activities (world
convulsions, if you like) I believe, dear friends, as we
get nearer to the
end when the Church is to be raptured, when the Church is to be
these convulsions are significant, very significant that the
day of our
emergence is near.
Do you remember the phrase, I wish we had it in the literal Greek, the words of the Lord, prophetic words of the Lord, about "the end." The end. He says, "The tumult of nations, men's hearts failing them for fear for the terrible things which are coming upon the earth" but the literal there is not "distress of nations," the literal Greek is "no way out for the nations." No way out for the nations! Oh my word, isn't that true today - they are trying to find a way out; and there is no way out for the nations. But then note, when that time comes: "Lift up your eyes, for your Way out draws near." Your Way out... there is a Way out for the elect when there is this investment. Well, you've got the teaching, haven't you now: "You have come to Zion."
I wonder (I don't know, of course, in the smaller world of the New Testament it may have been true under those persecutions and martyrdoms, I think it was, but the world is such a much bigger world now than then, this great world compared with the little world of the Roman Empire then) I wonder if there was ever a time in the history of this world when the saints were going through spiritual pressure more than they are now!
Spiritual Pressure
I am not talking now only of outward persecutions. Some are in that, but even here, at this time, this week, dear children of God have said to me: "I never in my life knew so much spiritual conflict, spiritual pressure. It sometimes gets unbearable, intolerable. I wonder how I am going to get through." Well, many of you may not know anything about that. If you don't, don't worry at the moment, but if you do know that dear friends, and some of us do, we never in our lives (and some of us have had a long life with the Lord) knew such intense and almost naked spiritual pressure that at times it does seem to get to the point where we'll break, we'll break. Many dear children of God all over this world write to me in these terms about this. What does it mean? You have come to Zion - that is what it means.
your theology of election and predestination. Leave that - that
won't get you
anywhere, only into trouble and confusion; but take the fact
that God has a
people in this world, in the nations, hidden in the nations,
whom He knows, "The
Lord knoweth them that are His." He knows them,
and they are of the
greatest interest to the devil. They are marked, and they are
involved in the
controversy of Zion. If you would like to leave the word "Zion,"
if that
creates mental pictures, leave it, forget it, see the meaning,
the spiritual
meaning, of something that is standing for the testimony of Jesus,
that is standing for
the absolute
Lordship of Jesus Christ, that is standing for the true vocation
of the Church!
A people like that aren't going to have an easy time. I am sorry
to say that to
you, but we have been told that this week, haven't we, very,
very pointedly.
But here it is, and you will go back and perhaps there will be
difficulties, this kind and that, family, business, what not;
and then you will
say: "What has happened to me? What has gone wrong?" It has all
gone right.
Oh, I wish we could
believe that. If what I am saying is true, it is the controversy
of Zion, that
conflict over something very precious to the Lord, because Zion
was very
precious to the Lord in history, wasn't it? Read the Psalms.
Something very
precious to the Lord is being challenged, combatted, by all the
forces of evil,
nakedly and by every kind of means. And this is the explanation
of the present
convulsions. This prince, this prince of this world and this
world spirit and
system, knowingly or unknowingly, is sick of us. The nations are
closing their
doors, driving out those who represent the Lord. The world is
narrowing down
its scope for what is of Jesus Christ. It is pressing in. The
explanation? The
time, the time of the Way out for the Church.
And of course, it is a false hope on the part of the world. It
may have been
true that the Egyptians were very glad when those people had
gone. They felt at
rest for a time, but it didn't last very long. It was a
transient thing and their
later history was a bit troublesome. Babylon may have felt a bit
comfortable when that remnant had gone back to Jerusalem, but it
didn't last
very long, "I have brought down..." The Lord destroyed
Babylon, as He
destroyed Egypt. And it may be that when the Church is gone, the
prince of this
world and his kingdom may say: "Well, there! They have gone.
They are out. Now
we can have it all to ourselves." But, if you notice, the context
of that is
they don't have it to themselves very long. Then there comes the
judgments. The
judgment of this world is just waiting until the Church is out,
and that time
is drawing very near.
I think I have said enough have I? I could say much more as to
the aspects of
this conflict, the means used by the enemy to try and undo this
testimony, to
try and destroy Zion. The means used? Well, one is confusion.
These evil powers
and spirits are spirits of confusion. They always were. There
never was a time,
I venture to say, in the history of this world, when there was
more confusion,
and confusion in Christendom, in Christianity. And it is brought
down to the
least local expression of Zion. Confusion. Is it true? Is it
true you do not
know what to do, where you are, how to answer, what it means?
confusion invading everything that is on this earth... confusion.
Spirits of corruption to defile, to defile - corruption. Spirits
of deception.
Was there ever a time when there was more deception? Everywhere:
deception. Oh,
I dare not stay with that, dare I? But here it is, the things
that are misleading,
assuming a divine complexion, that are false, are a lie, they
won't last. They
will have their day and cease to be. The roots, the seeds of
disintegration, are in them. There's a falsehood there in the
semblance of good
and right - deception.
Divisions. No end to this, no end. To the last two of the Lord's
people there
will be this attack to divide, to get us apart somehow. Yes, in
the Church
universal, split up; in the local churches, yes, division, and
following division; and in the family, and in the two; the two.
We are in a
battle! It is a terrible thing to say, but you know however much
there may be
of love and certainty that the Lord brought you and your wife
together, or you
and your husband together, very often there is a battle over
your fellowship.
Is that saying too much? It is true. A battle... misunderstandings
can come in
there and divide and isolate. Anywhere! Anywhere the spirits of
division are at
work today, and the slogan of their forces is "divide and
conquer." It depends
on the ground on which you are standing. If you're standing on
natural ground;
on doctrinal ground; on theological ground; on interpretation
ground; if you
are standing on any of those grounds, you won't hold together.
You won't hold together.
If you are standing on the ground of Christ only, and His
Lordship, that is the
I close this then with: Zion is very precious to God for the
reason that His Son
is His Appointed King on His Mount Zion. Ah, there is a great
love of this
testimony of Zion. It is for His Son's sake. You and I must have
His Son's sake
as the motivating part of all our ways. "Ye are come to Zion,"
have come to an involvement in a great conflict! So, help
us, God.
We just ask Thee,
Lord, that all
the authority which has been given to Thee in heaven and on
earth may cover,
encompass, and embrace what has been said here this morning.
Thou knowest it's
not easy. It took a battle even to get it out; but, Lord, we
need to be
protected. The Word needs to be protected in our hearts. All
the significance
needs to be protected. We trust Thee, Lord. We trust Thee and
all the mighty
virtue of Thy blood to protect, for the glory of Thy Name, amen.
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