The Reducing Of Gideon’s Army
That word
‘morale’, of course, lies right at the heart of
the story of Gideon. It sums up the whole matter, does it
not? First of all, there is an elimination of everyone
who is fearful and trembling; in the second stage,
everyone who has interests which are personal and which,
standing to suffer, would cause the breakdown of morale,
is bidden to go home. This great reducing movement was
called for by the Lord in order to get a certain quality.
Of course, as regards numbers, this is no kind of
argument either for one thing or the other: it is not an
argument for large numbers and it is not an argument for
small numbers. Nor, let us be clear, has this anything to
do with salvation. The redeemed are to be
‘a great multitude which no man can number’
(Rev. 7:9). “The Lord is... longsuffering... not
wishing that any should perish, but that all
should come to repentance” (2 Pet. 3:9). The Lord
has no reservations in that sphere; He never says that that
number is too great. But here it is a question of
service—specific service and responsibility for the
interests of the Lord amongst His own people. It is a
matter of the Lord’s honour.
To get the real value of this story, we need to remember
the situation which obtained at that time amongst the
people of God. For the issue was indeed the honour of the
Name of the Lord, as deposited with His own people; and
for the deliverance of that Name from reproach and
dishonour among His people a certain quality of fighting
force is required. That is the heart of the story, and
that is what we are considering at this point.
The Challenge Of Active Service
Now before we go
further with the matter of morale, may I come back to the
general matter of our warfare. We may have had much
teaching on various aspects of Divine truth and
revelation, such as the Church, the Body of Christ, and
other matters, and it may be that the teaching has not
been without value—it may even have been quite
profitable. But I wonder whether we have made enough of
this matter of our being, as the Lord’s people,
really on a war footing. Has it really come home
to us that we, the people of God, are supposed to be in
the field under war conditions? Is there the
mentality and consciousness in every section and in every
individual that we are in a great campaign; that there is
no let up in this matter, and that we are in it up to the
hilt? There may be, and indeed often is, a real gap
between our teaching, instruction, information, on the
subject of Christian soldiering, and the assured
conviction of being actually in a war—on active
service. So many of the Lord’s people listen to the
teaching, and are interested in it, but they are not
really in the fight, not really counting in the battle.
To sing ‘Onward, Christian Soldiers!’ and to do
no fighting, is silly.
Surely, at such a time as this, the Lord would challenge
us all, young and old alike: ‘Are you really alive
to the fact that you are out in active warfare, in a
great campaign? that you are a part of something
tremendous that is going on in this universe, and that
you have a personal and quite definite place in it?’
It is a matter of urgency that this should be brought
home to us definitely and clearly. It may be that much of
our defeat, many of the casualties amongst us, are
largely due to the fact that we have not been on the war
path with the enemy: we have been letting him have his
way far too much, we have been giving him ground, we have
been letting him play around with us and do as he likes.
If only we had been standing on our feet in this matter,
perhaps some casualties might have been avoided. We have
just accepted circumstances—including physical
weaknesses—as unrelated things in themselves,
instead of standing up and at least raising the question:
‘How much is there of the enemy behind this?’
Of course, it may not be that in every case of physical
or other limitation the enemy is having the ascendancy,
but in a great many cases he is, and the way of
deliverance is to recognize that we must “lay hold
on eternal life” and “fight the good fight of
faith” (1 Tim. 6:12, A.V.). “Lay hold
on eternal life”!
The Foundations Of Morale
Now, on this matter of
morale, I want to quote an excellent passage from the
book of which I have spoken. Says the writer, the great
Field Marshal who made this report: ‘Morale is a
state of mind, it is that intangible force which will
move a whole group of men to give their last ounce to
achieve something without counting the cost to
themselves, that makes them feel that they are part of
something greater than themselves. If they are to feel
that, their morale—if it is to endure, and the
essence of morale is that it should endure—their
morale must have certain foundations. These foundations
are spiritual, intellectual, material, and that is the
order of their importance. Spiritual first, because only
spiritual foundations can stand the real strain.’
(Is that not fine? Of course there may be varying
conceptions of the meaning of the word
‘spiritual’, but when one interprets this in
the realm of heavenly things, the principle is so sound,
the wisdom so profound.) ‘Intellectual next, because
men are swayed by reason as well as feeling. Material
last—important but last—because the very
highest kinds of morale are often when men’s
material conditions are at their lowest.’ (What a
great deal of spiritual profit could be drawn from that!)
He goes on to say: ‘I remember sitting down in my
office and tabulating these foundations something like
‘1. The Spiritual:
(a) There must be a great and noble object;
(b) Its achievement must be absolutely vital;
(c) The method of its achievement must be active,
(d) The man must feel that what he is and what he does
matters directly towards the attainment of the
(How full that is of vital and necessary lessons when
translated into the realm of things heavenly!)
‘2. The Intellectual:
(a) He must be convinced in his mind that the object can
be attained’ (that is searching!);
‘(b) He must see, too, that the organization to
which he belongs, and which is striving to obtain the
object, is sound and efficient;’
(Perhaps we could interpret that as meaning that we must
believe in our cause and recognize the adequacy of the
Church’s spiritual equipment for gaining the object
in view.)
‘(c) He must have confidence in his leaders and know
that, whatever dangers and hardships he is called upon to
suffer, his life will not be thrown away for
‘3. The Material:
(a) The man must feel that he will get a fair deal from
his commander and from the Army;’
(We have no fear about getting a fair deal from our
Commander! We know He will give us a fair deal. But
perhaps we cannot always be so certain of getting a fair
deal from the Army, either individually or as a whole. To
be certain of the support of the rest of the Army is an
important factor in morale.)
‘(b) He must, as far as possible, be given the best
weapons and equipment for his task;’
(That throws us back, does it not, upon the
responsibility of ‘under shepherds’ to give
instruction in “the whole counsel of God”, that
the Church may be ‘throughly furnished’ for her
‘(c) His working conditions must be made as good as
can be.’
Having thus analyzed and summarized what he means by
foundations of morale, the writer next adds a classic
sentence, which I have doubly underlined. Note, this is a
Field Marshal of the Army speaking. He dares to say:
‘The Christian religion is above all others a source
of that enduring courage which is the most valued of all
the components of morale’!
And the book contains much more like that. This matter of
morale is of the greatest importance. It was against the
possible lack or breakdown of such morale that the Lord
took those very serious precautions with Gideon; when He
said: “By the three hundred men that lapped will I
save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine
hand” (Judges 7:7).
The Enemy’s Assaults Upon Morale
Now, if we think about
it for a few moments, we cannot fail to realize what a
great deal our New Testament has to say about morale.
For, after all, such admonitions and entreaties as:
“Be strong in the grace that is in Christ
Jesus” (2 Tim. 2:1); “Be strong in the Lord,
and in the strength of His might” (Eph. 6:10);
“Quit you like men, be strong” (1 Cor. 16:13);
all such exhortations have to do with this strategic
matter of spiritual morale—spiritual stamina to go
on and to keep going on. I want to stress the importance
that the Lord attaches to this. Let me refer for a moment
to what we were saying in the previous chapter. The great
objective of the enemy is to bring reproach upon the
Crown, upon the Throne; to repudiate its rights, its
claims, its interests; to rob the people of the Crown, of
their heritage. And if that is to be met and countered
and overcome, this matter of spiritual stamina that we
are calling ‘morale’ is of tremendous
The writer from whom we are quoting makes some sorry
comparisons of conditions in the opposing sides at the
beginning of the campaign. Speaking about the
enemy’s morale, he says that for a long time it was
almost impossible to break it, and he puts it down to one
thing. He says: ‘The enemy fought his battle as
though upon every individual there rested the whole
interest, the whole issue. For instance, if 500 men were
told off to hold a position, ‘we had to kill 495
before we got that position and the remaining five killed
themselves. Not one man would surrender.’ In every
individual there was this consciousness that the whole
war issue rested upon him and his life: he was in this
thing without any reserve or question, or other interest.
That was the secret of his morale, and that lies behind,
on the one hand, the great story of the enemy’s long
continued victory, and, on the other hand, our defeat.
That is the key to the whole matter, is it not?
“Whosoever is fearful and trembling...” Why
should we be fearful and trembling—why? Why should
we be afraid? Is there something in our life for which we
care more than for this great issue—that of the
Throne and the Crown, the government and our fellow
countrymen’s heritage of heavenly citizenship? Is
there something that to us is of greater importance? Then
that is the root of the fear and trembling. The very
presence of fear indicates that there is some other
interest. If the interests and honour of the Throne are
our only concern, it means that all other things have
been set aside and we are in this battle to the death.
That, clearly, underlay the strength of morale in the
story of Gideon; these people had no alternatives, no
secondary considerations.
Says our writer: ‘The fighting soldier facing such
an enemy must see that what he does, whether he is brave
or craven, matters to all his comrades, and directly
influences the result of the whole battle.’ It is
this personal aspect to which everything is headed up in
this seventh chapter of the Book of Judges. This is
clearly brought out in the more modern translation given
in the Revised Standard Version: “He of whom I say
to you, ‘This man shall go with you,’ shall go
with you; and any of whom I say to you, ‘This man
shall not go with you,’ shall not go” (vs. 4).
God was dealing with thousands, yet He would not handle
them as it were ‘in bulk’. He dealt with them
man by man; He made it a personal matter with each man
individually. And so it was—‘This man
shall go with you...’, and, ‘This man
shall not go with you...’ The whole thing
was made personal.
The Corporate Effect Of Morale
But—“none of
us liveth to himself, and none dieth to himself”
(Rom. 14:7). That is to say, the way you and I
individually stand up in this battle affects the whole
issue. Did we but believe it, what a wonderful source of
support and strength this is! But whether we believe it
or not, that is a statement of fact. It is recognized in
the natural world, and it is just as true, if not more
so, in the spiritual realm. “Now we live,
if stand fast in the Lord”! (1 Thess. 3:8).
Your behaviour and mine in the battle—whether we
stand up or give up—profoundly affects other people.
It surely does! We need to lay hold of that and to say:
‘The issue, after all, does not begin and end with
me. My conduct, my spirit, my attitude affects others. If
I am weakening in the fight; if I am an unreliable
soldier; if I cannot be trusted from one day to another
as to how I shall be and where I shall be: if I am like
that, it affects the whole situation. It is a cause of
weakness in the whole Body corporate, in the whole
constitution.’ It must be our constant motive for
girding ourselves and being strong, that our brothers and
sisters need us so—the whole battle needs us to be
like that. We dare not be weak and give up, for in this
business we just cannot isolate ourselves.
The Lord was acting on this ground with Gideon’s
army. He said, in effect: ‘If I were to allow any
one man, fearful and trembling, to come into this
undertaking, he would affect all the others, and I cannot
afford that: let every such man go. And if I allowed any
man to come in who had personal interests to serve, whose
natural pride and conceit would take some glory to
himself, that would be disastrous for the whole issue:
let all such go home. The men who are to be here, who are
to be the instrument of this deliverance, must be men who
have been reduced to sheer, intrinsic worth.’ That,
surely, explains much of the Lord’s dealings with
us—reducing, emptying, weakening, breaking down,
scattering. What is God doing? Just making way for
intrinsic values, the values which are to be found when
our objective is the Lord, and only the Lord. The issue
for us must be the Lord—His glory, His honour.
That, in a few words, is morale. Much more could, of
course, be said on this vital matter. Let me close with
one other short extract. Says the writer: ‘We had
the advantage of our enemies in that our cause was based
on real, not false, spiritual values. We fought only
because the powers of evil’ (what a phrase!)
‘had attacked those real spiritual values.’
Now we know that he was referring to the values of
‘life worth living’ (he uses that phrase
later), those things which really make life worth living;
but let us interpret this in the realm of heavenly
things. The passage will bear repeated reading. He
‘The man must feel this, feel that indeed he has a
worthy cause and that, if he did not defend it, life
would not be worth the living. Nor was it enough to have
a worthy cause—it must be positive, aggressive; not
a mere passive, defensive and ‘anti something’
feeling, but positive and aggressive.’
All that is the foundation of morale. We need to lay it
deeply to heart, for we are in something far bigger than
the South East Asia Campaign. Far, far greater issues are
at stake; a far greater Crown and Throne and Name and
Government and Country are involved; a far greater enemy
is in the field. And so Paul makes his appeal: “I
therefore... beseech you...”, and brings the whole
matter of the battle for the Church’s glorious
consummation to this: “Finally, be strong in the
Lord, and in the strength of His might. Put on the whole
armour of God, that ye may be able to stand... Take up
the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand
in the evil day”.
“Be strong in the Lord”! May the Lord help us!
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