The Stewardship of the Mystery - Volume 2
T. Austin-Sparks
In the year 1939 we published two volumes on The Stewardship of the Mystery. Volume 1, the larger of the two, covered wider ground under the title All Things in Christ. This latter was reprinted and republished and is still available. Volume 2 was more specific in relation to Paul's ministry and the Church. This second volume has been out of print for some time, and although we have had so many requests for it, there has been a strange restraint from reprinting it in its original form. But there has been a growing burden to put into writing the essence of that particular ministry of "The Mystery" and, under this pressure which we believe to be of God, we have written this volume which, although changed in various respects from the former Vol. 2, is a concentration of that "Revelation" to the Apostle. In the overwhelming presence of so great an unveiling it would be an impossible thing to give an adequate presentation and, although so burdened and urged, the end finds us with a deep sense of failure. We can do no more than 'cast this bread upon the waters' and trust that it may reach some prepared hearts as a message from God in a timely way. It is not an exposition that is needed, but a revolution similar to that which took place in the Apostle when 'it pleased God to reveal His Son in him.' May the prayer in Ephesians 1:17–21 be answered in the case of many readers.
T. Austin-Sparks
Forest Hill, London.