Chapter 3 - The Father of Glory... The Lord of Glory... The Spirit of Glory
What does that mean? Well, it means that
God is the source of glory, and that glory emanates from
Him. The principle of fatherhood is that the father is
the source, the beginning and the projector, so all that
really emanates from God has, as its very purpose and
destiny, glory. We are children of God, and the very
object and purpose of our being His children in His mind
is that we should come to glory, that is, that we should
be brought to that position where at last - oh, wonderful
thought! too wonderful to grasp! - God says: 'I am
perfectly satisfied and content.' Can you imagine God
saying that about you? Can you believe that the
all-mighty, eternal, perfect, holy, great God could look
down upon us and say: 'I am well pleased. Enter thou into
the joy of thy Lord, into the very satisfaction of My
Father heart.'? It is too much for us to grasp just now,
is it not? But that is the meaning of His Fatherhood. He
has begotten us, brought us into being as His children,
is responsible for our coming into being as His children,
has taken responsibility for us as His children, and all
with this one object of bringing us along the line, along
the way, to the end, which is an entering into that
unspeakable awareness that He has nothing whatever
against us, but is satisfied to the last possible degree.
Whatever comes out from God, whether it is children or
His creation, comes out as destined for that glory of His
perfect satisfaction. Things are like that at the end of
the Bible. There is a state of glory, a glorious
condition, which means the outgoing, the emanation of
God's own perfect satisfaction. Paul puts it in this way:
"Foreordained to be conformed to the image of his
Son" (Romans 9:29). What is that? His SON! -
"My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased"
(Matthew 3:17). And we are to be conformed to that! We
are to inherit God's own attitude toward His Son, to come
into that position and condition that His Son occupies of
the perfect satisfaction of the Father.
You see, His Father-dealings with us are along that line.
"My son, regard not lightly the chastening of the
Lord, nor faint when thou art reproved of him; for whom
the Lord loveth he chasteneth" (Hebrews 12:4). What
is the chastening all about? "All chastening seemeth
for the present to be not joyous, but grievous; yet
afterward it yieldeth peaceable fruit unto them that have
been exercised thereby, even the fruit of
righteousness" (Hebrews 12:11). What is
righteousness? It is that complete peace in the heart
that God's sense of rightness is satisfied.
"Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of
glory" is what James calls Him, and it is a
wonderful thing that James, His own brother in the flesh,
should say that of Him! There was a time when James did
not believe on Him. "For even his brethren did not
believe on him" (John 7:5), was what was said about
James formerly. Of course, we have a fairly shrewd idea
of why that was. In those early days James and the other
brothers of Jesus were a bit worldly and they had an eye
to business, to success, to popular acceptance, and they
wished especially to stand well with the authorities.
That is worldliness, is it not? It is the spirit of the
world to wish to stand well with the authorities. This
older Brother of theirs was taking a course that was
getting Him into trouble with the people who had it in
their power to take everything away from Him, and they
belonged to His family, which meant that they would
suffer because He had taken that line. Well, we will
leave that, but I think it is a fairly true judgment of
that statement: "Even his brethren did not believe
on him." They could not accept the way that He was
taking, for it was not going to bring popularity.
Now here is this brother of His, these many years
afterward, calling Him "the Lord of glory".
Something has happened! James is saying that his own
Brother is "the Lord of glory"! Once he did not
believe in Him, but now he calls Him "the Lord of
glory". That is indeed a wonderful thing! But what
did he mean, and what does it mean to call Him "the
Lord of glory"?
Well, you know, if anyone is a lord, he has everything
under his control. If you should be a 'lord', then things
are under your control and in your power. You dictate how
these things are going to work out. Yes, you are lord in
this situation and, indeed, in all situations. Jesus is
Lord, and as Lord of glory He is in a position of
Peter, who at one time denied Him vehemently later said:
"He is Lord of all" (Acts 10:36). A big thing
has happened in Peter, too, as well as in James. Indeed,
it had happened in all of them, for they all called Him
"Lord". We know from the very context of
Peter's words that he was at that time having to
recognize the absolute mastery of the Lord Jesus. Peter
was arguing a bit. It was very strange that he should
have been arguing with the Lord Jesus at that time
"Not so, Lord, for I have never eaten anything that
is common and unclean", but he had to succumb to the
mastery of the Lord Jesus, and he did. Then he said:
"He is Lord of all", meaning that He was in
charge both of Peter and of every situation, and, being
in charge, this situation was going to work out to the
end that He intended. So, when James says "the Lord
of glory", it means that the Lord Jesus is in charge
of everything to make it work out for glory.
You have only to read through the book of the Acts of the
Apostles, as it is called, and as you go through you see
the Lord of glory holding the situations. Yes, in phase
after phase, and stage after stage. We need only lift out
one or two examples.
Peter is in prison, with his feet in the stocks and four
quarternions of soldiers to guard him, and the inner and
outer doors of the prison tightly closed. Herod has made
very sure that THAT man is not going to escape!
This looks a somewhat difficult proposition, does it not?
I doubt whether it would have been possible for any man
to have liberated Peter that night. At any rate, all the
forces of this world are determined that he should not
escape. He is the key man, the strategic man in this new
movement, so he must be kept safe. All right, do all you
can and all you wish. Take every precaution, every
measure, to make everything secure. But the Lord of glory
has other ways, and so an angel comes and smites Peter,
who is asleep.
It is rather wonderful that when the Lord of glory is in
charge you can go to sleep, even in situations where you
are going to be brought out for execution tomorrow! You
are in a condemned cell, and you know that tomorrow you
are going the same way as the other James and be
executed, but you just go to sleep right through the
night. Well, it needs the Lord of glory to make you do
that, so that you can say: 'The Lord has this thing in
hand, so I am going to sleep.'
I remember a man who was here in the West in the wild
days of long ago. He was travelling and came to a shack,
which was in a perilous place where bears were roaming
about. He was very tired after travelling all day, but he
found that he could not get into the shack. He could only
rest under the awning outside, so he lay down there. He
belonged to the Lord and before he settled down he read a
Psalm: "He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber
nor sleep." He said: 'Well, Lord, it is no use the
two of us keeping awake. If You say You are keeping awake
all night, I am going to sleep!' And so he went off to
sleep and had a good night. That is trusting the Lord!
Peter went to sleep and the angel smote him, struck off
his chains and fetters, and said: 'Rise up and follow
me.' They left the guards, the cell and the chains, and
went out through the first door, then through the next,
until they came to the outer gates, which opened of their
own accord, and Peter was landed out in the open. This
circumstance, so apparently adverse and impossible, was
in the hands of the Lord of glory. And what about the
glory? We have Peter's Letters, written years afterwards,
and they are wonderful Letters, are they not? His was a
wonderful life, and so much wealth has come to us through
Peter's ministry in these Letters. Yes, there was glory,
and Jesus is the Lord of glory.
One more thing from that Book of the Acts. We are in
Philippi. Paul and Silas have arrived, because the Lord
has sent them there. 'They had assayed to go into Asia,
but were forbidden of the Holy Ghost, and they assayed to
go into Bithynia but the Spirit of Jesus suffered them
not.' Then, wondering what all that meant - 'Why are we
not allowed to go this way or that?' - Paul, in a vision,
saw a man of Macedonia and heard him say: "Come over
into Macedonia, and help us." "And," said
Luke, "concluding that God had called us for to
preach the gospel unto them" (Acts 16:10), they set
sail, arrived in Philippi, quite sure that the Lord had
sent them there - and the next thing they knew was that
they were in a dungeon with their feet fast in stocks and
their backs bleeding after thorough lashing. Now what do
you make of this? What are you going to do about it? It
seems an absolute contradiction, and that a big mistake
has been made. Are they saying: 'We have got into
confusion over our guidance'? No! Not a bit. In that
condition they are singing and praising God at midnight.
The Lord of glory has the situation in hand, and that is
proved before the morning. There is the earthquake, the
prisoners are released, the jailer and his house saved
and baptized, and the church in Philippi established. The
jailor and his family were amongst the first members and
I do not believe his family were infants! It says:
"They spake the word of the Lord unto them",
and you do not put a little innocent baby in a chair and
preach the gospel to it, or teach it the things of
Christ. They were intelligent and old enough to
understand the teaching and preaching of Paul, and to
accept it, so they were all baptized as responsible
persons. They were amongst the first members of that
church; and we have that beautiful Letter from Paul's own
prison, written years afterwards, when he was in Rome. We
would not sacrifice that Letter to the Philippians for
anything, would we? It is very precious. There is the
Lord of glory, you see. It is the Book of the Acts of the
Holy Spirit, the acts of the Lord of glory, for He is in
charge. I wish we could always believe that when we are
in prisons, tied up, with things all against us, and we
are having a difficult time! If we could always just say:
'The Lord is the Lord of glory. He has charge of this and
the end is going to be glory'! Well, it works out that
way, even though He has to say to us afterward: "O
ye of little faith! Wherefore didst thou doubt?"
Although we, under the trial, sometimes feel that there
is nothing of glory in the situation, or in our
condition, in the end He is faithful, and we find that
glory is the end of His strange ways. He is the Lord of
glory which means that He controls everything with glory
in view.
Peter calls the Holy Spirit "the
Spirit of glory". Now the context is necessary as
the background of that title of the Holy Spirit. If you
read this first Letter of Peter's you will see that it is
very largely about the sufferings of the Lord's people to
whom he is writing. It says that he is writing "to
the elect who are sojourners of the Dispersion in Pontus,
Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, according to the
foreknowledge of God the Father". Then he opens up
on this matter of the sufferings of these people:
"Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial
among you, which cometh upon you to prove you, as though
a strange thing happened unto you."
There is a lot about the sufferings of the Lord's people
in this Letter of Peter's, and when he has mentioned the
sufferings there are two things that he links with them:
first grace, and then glory, grace issuing in glory. It
is very helpful to notice how Peter speaks of grace, but,
unfortunately, in our translation there are places where
the word is changed, and the word 'acceptable' is used.
In chapter 2:19 and 20 we read: "For this is ACCEPTABLE,
if for conscience toward God a man endureth griefs,
suffering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if, when ye
sin, and are buffeted for it, ye shall take it patiently?
but if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye shall take
it patiently, this is ACCEPTABLE with God."
But in putting this right we have something very rich:
"For this is GRACE, if for conscience toward
God a man endureth griefs, suffering wrongfully. For what
glory is it, if, when ye sin, and are buffeted for it, he
shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and
suffer for it, ye shall take it patiently, this is GRACE
with God" (R.V. margin). Grace, then glory. In
chapter 5:10 Peter says: "And the God of all grace,
who called you unto his eternal glory in Christ, after
that ye have suffered a little while, shall himself
perfect, stablish, strengthen you." 'Through the
suffering of this little while there will be grace
sufficient to make us triumphant.' Grace triumphant in
suffering, and that means glory.
We sometimes sing:
Jesus, Thy life is mine,
Dwell evermore in me;
And let me see
That nothing can untwine
Thy life from mine.
Thy fullest gift, O Lord,
Now at Thy word I claim,
Through Thy dear name,
And touch the rapturous chord
Of praise forth-poured.
That came from the bed of an invalid! It is something,
is it not? Well, that is what Peter is talking about -
the sufferings, the fiery trial, and then he says: 'Grace
in that means glory.' The Spirit of glory.
The Lord help us! We can say these things, and I say them
carefully, guardedly, for we can be so put to the test on
things that we say. The Spirit of glory can take hold of
the things which could destroy us, and could be our
undoing if we had the wrong reaction to them, and turn
them to glory. This suffering, this reaction, this trial
can mean glory. Paul said: "And by reason of the
exceeding greatness of the revelation - wherefore, that I
should not be exalted overmuch, there was given to me a
thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to buffet me,
that I should not be exalted overmuch. Concerning this
thing I besought the Lord thrice" (and when Paul
sought the Lord you may take it that he did so very
thoroughly, and when he did it three times you may be
sure that Paul put himself right into it!). "And he
hath said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee; for
my power is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly
therefore will I rather glory in my weaknesses, that the
power of Christ may rest upon me" (2 Corinthians
The Spirit of glory can take hold of our trials, and will
do so, if we trust Him, and turn the dark things, the
hard things, the painful things, into glory. That is, in
those things He will lead us to find God's pleasure,
God's satisfaction, God's 'Well done!', and what more
glorious thing could we desire than that we should hear
Him say: 'Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter
thou into the joy of thy Lord.'?
The Father of glory, the Lord of glory and the Spirit of
glory. The Lord place this word in our hearts!
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