Chapter 1 - How to See the Glory of God
Let us turn to the Lord Jesus Himself in this matter. There was in His life that hour of His great committal, which took place at His baptism. He there and then committed Himself UTTERLY to the glory of His Father. He gathered every detail of His life from that moment and centred it in this thing, as though He were saying: 'From this moment there is to be not one deflection from that motive and object. My Father's glory is to govern everything.' And it was so.
Firstly, the committal was in His own personal, inner life, in His secret walk with His Father. This is a most impressive thing as you read through the Gospel. You find all the way along that everything is coming out from His personal, secret life with His Father. "The Son", He said, "can do nothing of himself [or, out from himself], but what he seeth the Father doing" (5:19). Mysterious language, but those who know anything about life in the Spirit know what it means. "For what things soever he doeth, these the Son also doeth", and not in His own way, but "in like manner." How meticulous and how exact! His committal as to His own relationship with God His Father meant that there was nothing out from Himself, but only that which He knew in His own heart, and from His secret history with God, the Father wanted Him to do and to say. The background, inner sanctuary life with the Father was maintained unbroken.
As to His conduct, He behaved Himself on this ground: 'How I behave, how I conduct Myself is going to be altogether a matter of how it touches My Father's glory. The impression I make upon others, what they see in Me and about Me, must never for one moment veil the glory of My Father, hide that glory, or detrimentally affect that glory. My behaviour must always be for the glory of My Father.' This was as to His conduct, His walk. You know, John made a special note of His walk, for it was not just an outward progress. John said: 'He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also to walk even as He walked" (1 John 2:6). There was something about His very movements that was governed, and His walk, His movements, His behaviour were always for the glory of His Father.
As to His works, we have already quoted Him: "The Son can do nothing out from himself, but what he seeth the Father doing: for what things soever he doeth, these the Son also doeth in like manner." And His words: "The word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's who sent me" (John 14:24).
Then His times for doing things. Ofttimes we read that He put back suggestions from others that He should do things now, at this time. When something seemed to be demanded of Him, and people expected Him to do it at that time, He put it back: "Mine hour is not yet come" (John 2:4), but He did it very quickly afterwards. He was waiting and in His spirit He was saying: 'Father, is this Thy time?' You know, dear friends, you can do a right thing at a wrong time and it just does not work out. We do a lot of things, and they fail because it is not the time for them. You remember the great incident in the Apostle Paul's life: "They assayed to go into Bithynia; and the Spirit of Jesus suffered them not" (Acts 16:7). They were "forbidden of the Holy Ghost to speak the word in Asia" (Acts 16:6). Paul was diverted, for it was not the time. They got to Asia and Bithynia subsequently, in God's time, and when God's time is registered things are very much more fruitful, for you do not waste time. When we do things so often in our own time, we really are only putting them off to God's time, for nothing happens until God wants them done. That is by the way, but that is how the Lord Jesus worked: "Mine hour is not yet", and then the hour seemed to come so quickly afterwards.
Here He is, moving, speaking, working, timing, by His fellowship with the Father. He brought everything else on to that ground. He brought His family on to the ground of the glory of His Father. The people came to Him after He had been speaking in a house and said: "Thy mother and thy brethren stand without, seeking to speak to thee" (Matthew 12:47). Now that is a natural appeal. It may be sentimental and quite a right kind of appeal, but wait a minute. He answers: "Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? ...Whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, he is my brother, and sister, and mother." He puts it on another ground. 'How far do My family relationships, as far as I am concerned, reflect the glory of God?'
He was governed in the same way in His attitude towards men. As to the religious world, He would commend what was sincere and go as far as He could with it in sympathy. A young man came and told Him that he had kept all the commandments from his youth up, and Jesus "looking upon him loved him" (Mark 10:17-20). He did not condemn. He was sympathetic to sincerity, but bring hypocrisy into His presence and His commending changed into condemning! There was nothing that brought out His wrath more than hypocrisy in religion, because it is a thing which robs God of His true glory.
These are all things that made up the life of the Lord Jesus, and, as you see, His priority governed everything and was over a lot of things. It was over natural judgments - not always sinful or evil judgments, but just natural judgments, when suggestions were made to Him, when persuasion was brought to bear upon Him, and when men projected their minds. But He knew the truth: 'My thoughts are not your thoughts. My ways are not your ways. There are two worlds. I live in one and you live in the other.' And so His concern for the Father's glory often necessitated the setting of natural judgments on one side and seeking His Father's judgment on the matter.
Natural feelings had often to be set aside. He understood them all right. We shall come to that in this eleventh chapter of John, with Lazarus and his sisters. He was very sympathetic and He understood how they were feeling. He truly entered into their human life, but when they sought to persuade and influence Him to act simply on the basis of natural feelings, He thrust it back. He stayed away two days, and did not move until the fourth day when, humanly speaking, it was all too late. The sorrow had run its course. He was not unsympathetic, as the chapter shows, and yet, because He has some greater thing in view, He could not just surrender to human, natural feelings. He had great principles which were governing Him.
As for His natural, personal interests, He was all the time thrusting them back. It would have been greatly to His personal interest to accept the devil's offer of the kingdoms of this world and the glories thereof, but He repudiated the whole thing. When speaking of His Cross, it might have been to His natural advantage if He had listened to Peter when he said: "Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall never be unto thee" (Matthew 16:22). But He said to Simon Peter: "Get thee behind me, Satan!" You see, personal interests must take a back place: but He was not governed by these things, for His constant motive was His Father's glory.
Now before I can go on any further I must return you
to the definition of that word 'glory'. It may be that
you have heard me give this definition before, but I do
not know of a better. What does glory mean where God is
concerned? What is the meaning of that word 'glory' when
it relates to God? It just means the rebound of God's
complete satisfaction. When things have answered to His
nature, His mind, when He is satisfied, He is delighted,
He is well-pleased, then there comes back something of
His own satisfaction, His pleasure. You can put that to
the test in your own lives, in more ways than one.
Take your Bible and begin at the beginning. When God had
created all things for His pleasure, for His glory, and
all things were as He intended and commanded, and
everything was governed by: 'And so it was... and so it
was... and so it was as the Lord commanded and said it
should be', the end of that was: "And God saw every
thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very
good" (Genesis 1:31). I would like to have been in
the atmosphere of that, in the realm where everything
satisfied God, emanated from Him, and there was this
sense of His complete satisfaction and pleasure. That is
When we come into the new creation, are born from above,
on the ground of our recognition and acceptance of the
perfect, finished work of the Lord Jesus for our sin, for
our salvation (and very often we are better believers at
the beginning than we are later on!), when we come on to
that ground of the new creation in Christ where
everything answers to God's pleasure, do we not have the
sense of the glory? The beginning of the Christian life
is so often like that. While we could not explain it
theologically or doctrinally, we feel it! 'It is
wonderful to be saved! This is glorious!' It is something
that just wells up inside of us. And what is it? It is
the Holy Spirit bearing witness to God's satisfaction
with His Son whom we have embraced with all the knowledge
and understanding of Him that we have. We have accepted
the perfection of Himself and His work, and there is a
reflection, an emanation, of His glory, the satisfaction
of God in our hearts. When we get away from that simple
trust in the Lord Jesus the glory often fades - but I
must not go on to that for the moment.
Move on in the Bible, and you have God's mind completely
and perfectly revealed in pattern form in the creation of
the tabernacle in the wilderness. It was meticulously
prescribed to a detail, to a pin, to a thread, to a
colour, to a position, to a measure, and it was all given
by God. And the last chapter of that reads: "As the
Lord commanded Moses... as the Lord commanded Moses... as
the Lord commanded Moses." It becomes almost
monotonous! It was done as the Lord commanded Moses, and
the glory filled the tabernacle. God was satisfied! And
you and I know that that tabernacle was only a
foreshadowing in type of the Lord Jesus.
We move on to the temple, and, again, the prescription,
the pattern, was given to David, and it was all perfected
through Solomon. When it was finished according to the
heavenly pattern, the glory filled the temple, and even
the priests could not abide in it. God filled everything
with His satisfaction.
The Lord Jesus came to His baptism and His great
committal, and as He came up out of the water the heavens
opened and the Father's voice pronounced: "This is
my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matthew
3:17). God was WELL pleased. That was indeed a
good foundation for starting His life work! God's
satisfaction is the glory, and John says: "We beheld
his glory."
Then we come to the perfection of His work on the Cross.
There is nothing further to be done after Calvary. It is ALL
finished. Oh, believe this, and believe it with all your
heart: there is NOTHING remaining to be done for
your eternal salvation. If you try to add something you
will lose the glory and get out of the place of God's
satisfaction. When the work on the Cross was
accomplished, the work of redemption was a finished work,
and the sacrifice was well pleasing to God. Calvary was
finished, that Son was raised from the dead, and it would
not be long before the temple received the glory of the
Day of Pentecost - and then what glory filled the house
of God! Why? Because Jesus was glorified. Until then
"the Spirit was not yet given; because Jesus was not
yet glorified" (John 7:39). But when He was
glorified the Spirit was given.
There you have the Bible background. At the end this
glory is seen coming down in the new Jerusalem: "The
holy city Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God,
having the glory of God" (Revelation 21:11). It is
the perfected work in the Church, having the glory of
God. It is all over, all finished, the battle is won, the
course of Christian trial and discipline and suffering is
all over, and the glory crowns everything at last because
God is satisfied.
Have I, on the side of Scripture at any rate, proved the
definition that glory is the expression of God's perfect
Now I said that you could put this to the test in your
own experience. Some of us have had to go through this
experience to learn these things, for they are not just
theories. What has been the most miserable time in your
life? Well, I can tell you what was the most miserable
time, lacking in glory and having all that is not glory,
in my life. It was when I allowed the devil to succeed in
putting me outside the finished work of Christ by
accusation. 'The Lord is displeased with you. He has it
against you. The Lord is really, because of this
affliction, suffering, trial, and sorrow, not well
pleased with you.' Go down under that and the glory goes.
And while you stay there, there is no glory, simply
because God's ground is this ground of the absolute
finality of the work of His Son for our redemption. Get
off that ground by any accusation or condemnation of the
devil, forsake the ground of Christ, and the glory goes
and will never come back while you stay there. Make no
mistake about that! If you are occupied with yourself how
long is it going to take you to learn that that is not
the ground of glory? Well, it will take just so long as
you stay there on the ground of this wretched, miserable
self that God has finished with in the Cross of His Son.
If we move over on to the ground of Christ and His
perfection, and by faith put our feet down on that, then
the glory will return.
We have only opened the door to this matter, but we
really have to apply all this, for I do not want to give
you a lot more teaching for you to put into your heads. I
have prayed that the Lord will use His word as a shaft to
cut in and really do something.
Dear friends, do we, you and I, really want God to be
glorified in our lives? You say: 'Yes!', but there are
some who say: 'Well, let us see what it means and then we
will say Yes.'
First of all, it means exactly the same for us as it
meant with the Lord Jesus, for He was here as our
representative Man before God. Therefore it means the
great and utter CRISIS: committal. Oh, let that
word get hold of us! There are Christians, and there are
committed Christians - and I must just leave that with
The great crisis experience in the life of the Lord Jesus
was when He made the great committal to the glory of His
Father and said: 'Everything from this day is going to be
judged by the value of how much glory there is in it for
My Father.' That was a crisis, and then, as I have said,
everything did fall into line with that where He was
concerned. He saw to it that His conduct, His own life
with His Father, His secret life which no one saw or
knew, and His life before the world, before people and
before His disciples, were governed by this one thing -
His Father getting the glory. His behaviour, the way He
spoke and the way He acted were all governed by this one
thing. If He had been a business man, it would have
governed His business transactions. Were they to the
glory of God? If not, He would not have had anything to
do with them. His family, His brothers, sisters, mother -
'Is My family to the glory of God?' Is the behaviour in
our families, in us, in our children, in our husband and
wife relationship, in how we go on as a family, to the
glory of God? How do people looking on view it? This is
But if you come to a position like that where you really
have a transaction with the Lord, do not think that it is
going to mean a life of loss. No, you are going to see
the glory of God. That is the upshot of this eleventh
chapter of John with Lazarus and his sisters at Bethany.
Difficult as the way to it was for them, the last picture
is of an emanation of the glory of God. What a delightful
scene that is in chapter twelve! Jesus came to Bethany,
where Lazarus, whom He had raised from the dead, lived,
and they made Him a supper. Martha served, in a new
spirit of service, and Mary and Lazarus sat with the
disciples. It must have been a beautiful time - real
glory in resurrection life. But they had been through
something to get to that! They had been tried and tested
on this question: "Said I not unto thee, that, if
thou believedst, thou shouldest SEE the glory of
God?" Do you want to see the glory of God in your
own life? It is not going to mean a life of loss, for if
you have the glory of God you cannot get anything beyond
that, or better than that.
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