Chapter 4 - From Bondage to Freedom
Reading: John 8:12-51.
"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free" (verse 32).
"If therefore the Son shall make you free, ye
shall be free indeed" (verse 36).
These verses speak to us of freedom by knowledge of the
truth. You will notice that the declaration made by the
Lord Jesus in these words about the truth making free
immediately raised in those to whom He was speaking the
whole question of bondage. Their instant reaction to His
words was to repudiate the suggestion that they were in
bondage. They said: "We... have never yet been in
bondage to any man", and in so saying they gave
themselves away very thoroughly. They showed how utterly
blind they were, and they completely justified the words
with which this portion commences: "I am the light
of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in the
darkness." There is no need for a light if there is
no darkness. The Lord Jesus made the statement that He
was the Light. He knew right well how deep the darkness
was, but they were not aware of that darkness and
therefore they saw no need for Him. They were not aware
of bondage and therefore they saw no need for liberation.
It is just wonderful how this whole chapter justifies Him
in declaring Himself as the Light and as the Liberator,
because of the existing darkness and bondage, although
those to whom He spoke were unconscious of it.
This chapter brings out the fact and the nature of the
darkness and the bondage and then shows the way of
deliverance, and that way is the Lord Jesus Himself. They
said: "We... have never yet been in bondage".
He will show them four ways at least in which they were
in bondage and, inasmuch as they did not recognize any
one of them, it is proved how utter the darkness is.
First of all, He will make it perfectly clear that they
were in bondage to the law. That law stood over them as a
master, as a judge, as something from which they could
not get clear, from which there was no escape, to which
they would have to capitulate by compulsion. They were in
that way in bondage to the law. The first eleven verses
of this chapter are a remarkable parenthesis. We will
note how they form a part of this general matter. You
notice that these rulers brought the woman taken in sin
and said to Him: "This woman hath been taken in
adultery, in the very act. Now in the law Moses commanded
us to stone such: what then sayest thou...?" Of
course, it was an utterly illegal act of theirs. They had
a recognized court for such cases where the law was
administered. They had no business to take it away from
the proper quarter and bring it, as it were, to a private
person, especially to one in whom they did not believe.
But man will do anything to obtain an end upon which he
is set and these rulers were out to entrap Him. They were
trying to get Him to adjudicate and thus to bring Him
into conflict with the Sanhedrin, the judicial court. We
leave that, but notice the issue that arises: 'Moses
said... what sayest thou?' Will He uphold Moses? If He
does so, and pronounces judgment, He takes the place of
the Sanhedrin and also immediately comes into conflict
with the Roman authorities who, for the time being, have
superseded Moses in the administration of the law. Will
He set aside Moses? If He does, then He will be
implicated in the sin. He will be condoning it, and will
be a party to evil. It looks like a trap from which there
is no escape.
He is sitting in the temple teaching and when they bring
in the woman and make their charge and interrogate Him,
He bends down from His seat and writes on the ground.
They press Him with their question and all He says,
lifting up His head, is: "He that is without sin
among you, let him first cast a stone...", and then
stoops down again. When He has been writing a little
while He looks up, and they are all gone. The Word says:
"They... went out one by one, beginning from the
eldest, even unto the last". Do you say that they
are not in bondage to the law? He has brought the law
home to them which they were trying to bring home on this
woman. He has turned the weapon on to the accusers, and
they who thought that they stood well with Moses have
come under the lash of Moses and they cannot stand up to
the law. If they could have stood up to the law of Moses,
that woman would have been stoned, but they could not.
The law judged them and condemned them. How proven was
their state of bondage when they went out!
We make our application as we go along. Not only they but
all are in bondage to the law in that way. God has
uttered His law and has never taken one fragment away
from that law. That law stands! It is comprehensive,
detailed, it touches everything in life and in character.
On the one hand, there is a whole comprehensive catalogue
of: "Thou shalt not"! On the other hand, there
is an equally comprehensive catalogue of: "Thou
shalt"! And then the two sides are gathered up into
one thing and if you are guilty of breaking the law at
one point, you are guilty of the whole law. If you break
down at one point, you are responsible for all the rest.
We cannot stand up to that. We are in bondage by nature.
God has spoken and we cannot get away from it. We are
responsible for all that God has made known of His mind
and His requirements on the side of "Thou
shalt" and on the side of "Thou shalt
not". We shall never get away from that for we shall
have to answer for it one day. Every one of us will have
to stand before God and answer to Him for His law, there
is no escape. God will bring it home to us sooner or
later and it will mean condemnation and judgment for
every one. There is only one way of escape for we are all
in bondage to the law by nature and we have all to answer
for the law. Is there one who can say he has kept the
whole law and never violated any bit of God's
commandment? It is not a matter of how many sins. If you
only commit one violation of God's commandment, you are
guilty of all the rest before God. The law is broken, you
are proved a sinner and you might just as well go the
whole way as far as your standing before God is
concerned. The fact of sin is established and whether it
be sin, more or less, there is judgment. The violation of
the law at one point just means that we are sinners with
a sinful nature. It is not SINS, but a NATURE.
Secondly, they were in bondage to sin. They said:
"We... have never yet been in bondage to any
man", but He said: "Verily, verily, I say unto
you, Every one that committeth sin is the bondservant of
sin." Only a little while before they had been
unable to stand up to that: "He that is without SIN
among you" (not 'He that has not committed THIS
particular sin'), "let him first cast a
stone...". These very people had walked out and in
walking out had admitted that they were not without sin.
Now He says: "Every one that committeth sin is the
bond servant of sin". So they were self-confessed
slaves of sin. Oh! they would not have said it in word,
but it had come home to their consciences.
Now, leaving these Pharisees aside, that does not need a
great deal of enforcing so far as we are concerned. I do
not think we would be in the place of religious Pharisees
who would in word repudiate any bondage to sin, that is,
by nature. None of us would say that we were sinless. But
I ask you: Have you ever tried to stop sinning? Have you
tried never to sin? Have you started a day and, in
starting it, said, 'I will not sin today'? How have you
got on? You know quite well that you are in bondage to
sin, and there is no option about it. It is not something
over which you, if you are not saved and in Christ, have
the mastery; it is your master. We know quite well that
outside of Christ sin has dominion over us and we are in
bondage to sin. That is what the Lord Jesus makes clear
and brings home here.
The third thing which comes in here is that they were in
bondage to the devil. "Ye are of your father the
devil, and the lusts of your father it is your will to
do." That is an awful thing to say, but He proved
His case. And has it not proved that He was right? These
religious Pharisees slew the Lord of Glory, and 2,000
years have proved that they did the devil's work, that
the devil was behind it, that it was not the work of God
and that what He said as recorded here was perfectly
true, they were of their father the devil and they did
the works of their father. They were, therefore, blindly
in bondage to the devil.
This is a still deeper fact lying behind the state of
every man and woman born into this world. They are under
the tyranny of God's law, they are in the bondage of sin,
but back of that there is the tyranny of the devil. What
we have to recognize is that we are not merely dealing
with sin, powerful as sin is in itself, but it is Satan
himself back of the sin with whom we have to reckon. You
cannot outwit the devil! You may try to take precautions
against sinning, but you will find that you are up
against - not some abstract thing but - a sinister,
cunning intelligence who can trip you up just when you
did not want to be, can get you at the time when you are
off your guard, when you are tired and unable to stand
up. It is all plotted, all thought out, all worked to a
scheme. The devil is back of this sin business with his
great intelligence as well as with his great power, and
every man and woman outside of Christ is not only in
bondage to sin, but in bondage to the devil. It is all
very well for people to say that they are not going to
sin again, that they are going to give up sinning. They
cannot give up the devil like that. The devil is not
going to be put off like that. They are not dealing
merely with some habit, something into which they slip
from time to time. They are in the toils and grip and
dominion of the devil, and they have not only to be saved
from sin, they must be saved from him. Even religious
Pharisees were in bondage to Satan.
Then the fourth thing is brought to light here by the
Lord Jesus and that is that they were in bondage to
judgment. Because of this other threefold bondage,
judgment rested upon them, the judgment of God. "Ye
shall die in your sins", but that is not merely
going out, ceasing to be. "It is appointed unto men
once to die, and after this cometh judgement" (Heb.
9:27), and there is no escaping that. In bondage to
judgment, that is, judgment stands as master of the
situation for every sinner. So you see, what the Lord
Jesus said about being in bondage is a very, very great
thing, something which is true in all directions. When He
said: "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free" and the whole question of being in
bondage came up, instantly they repudiated the
suggestion, the insinuation. He proved His case and
showed that they were very much more in bondage than they
had ever thought.
That is how we are, but He said: "Ye shall know the
truth, and the truth shall make you free... If therefore
the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free
indeed." We have seen the one side: the bondage. Now
we look at the other side: freedom by the truth. What
truth makes free?
There are several sections to this Gospel by John. The
first section has to do with life and the second section
has to do with light. Each one of these sections circles
round the Person of the Lord Jesus. When He is dealing
with life, the central declaration is: "I am the
life", and when He is dealing with light and truth,
the central declaration is: "I am the light".
So all that is being said focuses upon Him. "Ye
shall know the truth" - 'I am the truth'! It simply
amounts to this: you shall know Me and you will be set
free. What does it mean in this respect to know Him as
the truth and to be made free? It is not just knowing the
fact of the existence of the Lord Jesus. It is not just
believing that there is such a Person. It is knowing what
He stands for, what He means.
What is the truth in the Lord Jesus which stands over
against the bondage of the law, by which we are made free
from that bondage? It is this, that, while God never
reduced His law by one fragment or one iota, the whole
law was fulfilled by the Lord Jesus for us. Every one has
been beaten by that law, but God has never said: 'You
cannot fulfil that law, I will let you off'. No, He said:
'You must face it!' That is impossible, so what is the
way of escape? God will have His law fulfilled! The Lord
Jesus came and said: 'I will fulfil it and when once it
has been fulfilled it can be set aside.' It could never
be set aside until it was utterly fulfilled and so He
fulfilled the law to God's perfect satisfaction on our
behalf. "Lo, I am come; In the roll of the book it
is written of me: I delight to do thy will, O my
God" (Psalm 40:7-8). And He did it perfectly and,
having fulfilled the law and made it honourable, He put
it out of the way and introduced the dispensation of
grace so that now we can sing:
"Free from the law, oh, happy condition!
Jesus hath bled and THERE is
Cursed by the law, and bruised by the Fall,
Grace hath redeemed us once for all."
The truth in Jesus by which we are made free is that
He has satisfied God in the matter of the law.
The next point is sin: the truth in Jesus over against
bondage to sin. "Him who knew no sin he made to be
sin on our behalf"; "Thou shalt make his soul
an offering for sin"; "Our Lord Jesus Christ,
through whom we have now received the
reconciliation"; "He was wounded for our
transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the
chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his
stripes we are healed". The truth in Jesus by which
we are set free from sin is that He has dealt with the
whole sin question on our behalf, and that deliverance
from the bondage of sin is a full deliverance in the Lord
Jesus as the Sin-Bearer, but we must always keep the
emphasis upon what HE IS FOR US and not upon what
we are apart from Him!
The same thing is true in relation to the bondage of
Satan, the grip and tyranny of the devil. In the words of
the Lord Jesus prior to the Cross: "Now shall the
prince of this world be cast out"; "the prince
of this world hath been judged" (John 12:31; 16:11).
Later, the Apostle Paul, reflecting with Divine
illumination upon what took place in the unseen at
Calvary, writes: "having put off from himself the
principalities and the powers, he made a show of them
openly, triumphing over them in it" (Colossians
2:15). And as the outcome of that the Apostle exclaims:
"Thanks be unto God, which always leadeth us in
triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest through us the
savour of his knowledge in every place" (2
Corinthians 2:14). Calvary was Christ's victory over the
devil on our behalf and because of what He did there we
are set free from the bondage of Satan. Remember again
that it is a matter of abiding in Him by faith!
Then the bondage to judgment: If He took our place in
sin, under the law, under the power of Satan, and then
destroyed all those, He has destroyed the consequences of
all those, namely judgment. In His Cross He received our
judgment and the judgment due to us was exhausted upon
Him. Prophetically, the Psalmist put these words into His
mouth: "All thy waves and thy billows are gone over
me" (Psalm 42:7). That was the judgment of God going
over His soul as He represented us. Blessed be God, you
and I in Christ do not have to face this judgment. It is
past for us, but all these things remain for those who
are outside of Christ.
There is one other thing which must be noted. "If...
the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free
indeed." "If the SON...". It is
very impressive how often that title is used in the
Gospel by John, and, alongside of it, "the
Father". The name "Father" occurs one
hundred and eleven times in the Gospel by John. "The
Father" and "the Son" are familiar terms.
Then it is impressive that, recognizing those familiar
terms, at the beginning of the Gospel you have so much
about being born again. "As many as received him, to
them gave he the right to become children of God, even to
them that believe on his name: which were BORN,
not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh...". To
Nicodemus He said: "Ye must be born anew". That
is a family thought. There is the Father, there is the
Son, but to be in that family you have to be born into
it, and if the Son shall make you free that means that
you are in the family. Jesus said: "The bondservant
abideth not in the house... the son abideth" (John
8:35). If you are in bondage to the law, you have no
place in this family. This is a family of the free ones,
of the free-born. How are we to be set free from the
bondage to sin, to Satan, to judgment? By being born
again. The Son makes free. It is given to the Son to give
eternal life to as many as He will, and we receive
eternal life when we are born again. That is the gift
which Christ, the Son, gives us. It is eternal life
through Jesus Christ, our Lord. How are we set free? By
being born again and brought into the family. We become
members of a family of those who are free from all these
things which speak of bondage.
If we are rejoicing in that great liberty which is ours
in Christ, then our great desire is that others should
come into it too. We do not know and we do not judge
anyone - that is for each one to decide - but our desire
is that we should ALL know the truth and that the
truth should make us free. If you do not understand those
terms, let me put it this way: you should know the Lord
Jesus in a saving way and then you will be set free from
the law, free from sin, free from Satan and free from
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