The following was written by brother Sparks in the January-February, 1964, edition of the magazine "A Witness And A Testimony," shortly before he and his wife left for Manila.
Dear fellow-travelers,
With this issue of this little paper we have entered upon one more year of its ministry - the forty-second. Let us immediately express our very sincere wish that this year will be one of great blessing to every one of our readers. May it be a year in which our beloved Lord has a great increase in the possession of His inheritance, and one in which His people come into a great enlargement of theirs in Him.
We shall count upon the continuous prayer-fellowship of each one of you that we shall be enabled to help in both of these directions by the medium of these pages. Need is undoubted: Christ is all-sufficient; but our capacity is so small. In a new way, or with a new emphasis, we have been burdened with the need of so many scattered and hungry sheep. We do need to know the mighty resurrection-life which can make the small handful of 'loaves and fishes' expand to the multitude for whom the Great Shepherd has compassion.
I personally take this opportunity of once again sharing with you, and asking you to share with me, this very practical concern. Does the Lord really want me to spend this year in 'journeys oft'? The calls are many; some quite pressing, and these would lead me practically right round the world. But the physical condition of the increased years [he was 77 years old] make it necessary to be very sure of the Lord's will and to know His enablement in a fuller way than ever.
At the time of writing I am having to face a very urgent and pressing 'Macedonian cry' from the Far East again, immediately. It may be that a note will be added in this connection before this issue is mailed.
The sense of urgency and shortening time is making us press on with more literature. Some twelve books and booklets (including reprints of those not available for some time) are now with the printer, and three new books are ready to go to press. One of the books most called for - What Is Man? - is now at the binders.... Announcement will be made as the books are on hand. This is a ministry which can go on when we have gone to the Lord, and it can go where we are unable to go personally.
When you think of the Editor and pray for him remember also his three helpers; our faithful brother, Clifford Ogden, who has printed A Witness And A Testimony singlehanded for a long time, and who printed many of the books. Also my two devoted secretaries - Miss Guy and Miss Read. We four carry the full weight of all that is entailed in getting this ministry out over the world.
There are many fierce battles related to it all, but 'He Who hath delivered, doth deliver, and we trust will still deliver.' What a glorious thing it would be if, this should be the year of His appearing! Let us walk with our faces toward the light and our hearts inspired by "that blessed hope" to pour ourselves out for Him, "till the day breaks, and the shadows flee away."
Yours in
His grace,
P.S. to the Editors Letter.
Further to the note in the above letter, it is now
possible to say that provisional arrangements have
been made to leave for the Far East toward the end of
this month, January. We, my wife and I, will, the Lord
willing, fly direct to Manila.
P.S. 2002: And, dear ones, these two volumes entitled, "That They May All Be One, Even As We Are One," are the results of that journey taken in 1964, as our brethren gathered together before the Lord.
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