Chapter 6 - In the Letter to the Romans
Our hearts are very much out to Thee, oh Lord, concerning this hour. Thou hast been very gracious to us during these days. We can see that having received the help which comes from God, we continue until now. Our confidence is that having helped, Thou would still help. However great the help Thou has given, we are still in need. We are very ready to confess our dependency upon Thee; take account of this, we pray, for unless the Lord helps us, we are helpless. If it could please Thee, give a very special blessing this afternoon. Crown this ministry with something very definite. Again, it is the voice of the Lord that we want to hear. Deeper than the speaking and the interpreting, may we all be given an ear to hear the voice of the Lord. In Thy great mercy and faithfulness answer us, we ask this all for the glory of Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
In this
series of messages our object has been to reemphasize the
true nature of Christianity, and we have gathered that
into three things - the mission, the meaning and the
message of Jesus Christ. In the four Gospels we found the
foundation position of Christianity, and in the book of
the Acts we saw that position preached by the Apostles
and the scattered believers. There that position was
demonstrated by the Holy Spirit by signs and wonders -
what the New Testament calls the 'powers', that is, the
many aspects of the power of the Holy Spirit. And it
might be as well for us to note that that was the object
of the Holy Spirit's working at that time - to
demonstrate that the message was true, to give evidence
of the truth of the foundation of Christianity. My own
conviction is that the signs and wonders relate to
beginnings, to the foundation position. They do not
belong to the later development of spiritual life, but to
the elementary stages of Christianity.
Then in the book of the Acts the position proclaimed was
accepted in various degrees. What was proclaimed was
received with varying degrees of understanding. Some
received the message very earnestly, with a whole-hearted
committal to the position, and among these were the
Thessalonians, the Ephesians and the Philippians. These,
and those like them, made a very whole-hearted committal
to the Lord, but the response of some was a compromise
between Judaism and Christianity. Their attitude was that
Christianity was only a plus to Judaism, and they very
largely remained Christian Jews. Thus they had failed to
recognize the true nature of Christianity. There were
others who made a response, but with a compromise with
paganism, that is, they brought over their paganism into
Christianity. Of these the Corinthians are an example.
Now the letters of the New Testament were intended to
explain and reaffirm the true nature of Christianity, on
the one side to correct the misunderstandings, and on the
other side to recover from declension. Such were the
letters of John.
This is the way in which we should read the New
Testament: A fundamental position made clear - that is
the Gospels. A fundamental position demonstrated - that
is the book of the Acts. Then there follows the section
dealing with fundamental experience. The position is not
enough: the experience must follow. So the later part of
the New Testament has to do with the basic experience of
the position, that is, the true nature of Christianity in
spiritual experience. I will not go back over the
Gospels, but let me illustrate from the Gospel by
We have seen that the message of the Gospel by Matthew is
the absolute Lordship and authority of Jesus Christ. Now
many people believed that as a doctrine, and accepted
that as a position at the beginning of their Christianity
- as far as they understood it - but there can be a very
great difference between believing that Jesus
Christ is Lord and experiencing that truth. Many
of these letters in the New Testament show that the
people accepted it as doctrine but did not live
We are now going to look at the letter to the Romans, for
this is a very clear example of what I have been saying.
It is the foundation of Christian experience, a
correction of misunderstanding and an explanation of the
true foundation of experience.
Right Standing with God
definitions have been given to this letter. The disciples
of Luther and his school have their own name for it. The
reformers always called this letter to the Romans by one
name, and most of you will know what that is, but I am
going to use one title for this letter. It is a phrase
found in a later translation: "Right standing with
God" - a position which is absolutely acceptable to
God. Everybody will agree that it is essential to true
spiritual experience! That is not only the position of
the New Testament - it is the issue of the whole Bible.
Before God can do anything in any life there must be a
right position with Him. You will remember how often in
the Old Testament God had to stand back from men until
they got into a right position with Him, and that is
brought out so clearly in the New Testament. It decides
everything as to whether God is going on with us and we
are going on with God. If God is not going on with you,
then examine your position in relation to God. He is
waiting for something, and that is your adjustment to
Let us take a very simple example in the Old Testament.
You remember the Prophet Elijah. After that great event
on Mount Carmel Jezebel, the queen, threatened his life.
Now we are not going to blame Elijah, for if we do we
shall be blaming ourselves! Jezebel threatened his life,
and then Elijah fled for his life. He fled to try and
save his life. The next thing we see is Elijah under a
juniper tree and saying: 'Lord, take away my life.' What
does the Lord do? Does He get under the juniper tree with
Elijah and say: 'Poor Elijah, I am so sorry for you!'?
No, He stands outside and says: "What doest thou
here, Elijah?" In effect, the Lord said: 'I am not
going to get under juniper trees, Elijah. That is not the
right position with Me. If you, Elijah, want Me to go on
with you, get out from under your juniper tree. I am not
coming on to your ground - you must come on to Mine!' The
juniper tree is a cul-de-sac, and the Lord does not
believe in those things. We must be in a right standing
with God if He is going on with us. That is the message
of the letter to the Romans.
The Representative of the Human Race
As you
know, the first five chapters of this letter are divided
into two sections. The first section has to do with the
pagan world, and the second section has to do with the
Jewish world, and at that time these two sections
comprised the whole world. The Holy Spirit, through the
Apostle Paul, shows that both sections - that is, the
whole human race - are not on good standing with God. The
whole race has fallen out of God, and it is in that
context that the mission, meaning and message of Jesus
Christ are presented in the New Testament. It is in that
relationship that the Lord Jesus is introduced, and He is
introduced as the representative Man. You will see in
chapter 5 how He is connected with Adam, and in chapter 4
He is connected with Abraham. He is of the seed of
Abraham. Adam represents the human race as a whole, and
Abraham represents the human race in Israel, but all are
gathered together on to this ground: Not one man is found
to be in right standing with God. The statement here is:
"There is none righteous, no, not one"
From chapter 5 we move into chapter 6, and I advise you
to remove the chapter divisions. Chapter 6 is not a new
chapter, but is the continuation of chapter 5. In chapter
5 all men are dead, which is how God views the human
race. 'In Adam all died', and the argument here is that
it is the same with Israel. Israel is a part of the human
race and is included in this position: 'all are dead'.
What is it that we come to immediately we begin to read
what is chapter 6? It is a baptism. And what is this
baptism? Well, of course, it is the baptism of the Lord
Jesus, but what does that mean? Jesus is the
representative of the human race. He is the Son of Man.
Why must He be baptized? That is, why must He die and be
buried? Because He is taking the place of the whole human
race. The Cross of the Lord Jesus is a demonstration of
the fact that all men have died, and the Apostle Paul
says here that when Christ died all men were represented.
The Cross was a universal baptism. Perhaps you would
think that I was preaching heresy if I were to say that
every unsaved person has been baptized, but please
understand me. All men have died in the death of the Lord
Jesus, so it is the whole world that has been baptized in
the Cross of Jesus Christ. In the death of Christ the
whole world is dead in the eye of God, but,
although all men have been baptized in the death of
Christ, all men are not raised in the resurrection of
Jesus Christ. The death is universal, the baptism is
universal and for the whole race, but the resurrection is
selective. On resurrection ground only one Man in God's
universe is in right standing with God. You remember how,
after His baptism the heavens were opened and a voice
came out of heaven saying: "This is my beloved Son,
in whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17). God did
not say: 'This is My beloved world. In it I am well
pleased.' On resurrection ground only One is in right
standing with God.
This, then, is the message of chapter 6. To be in right
standing with God men have to say: 'His death was my
death. When He died I died. That is my natural position
in the sight of God.' But then, secondly, men have to
say: 'His resurrection was my resurrection.' You know the
simple words of Romans 6:5: "If we have become
united with him by the likeness of his death, we shall be
also by the likeness of his resurrection; knowing this,
that our old man was crucified with him." To be in
right standing with God demands that we shall be, by
faith in Jesus Christ, dead and raised. We have to
accept His death as our death. The world will not do
that, and Israel would not do that. Therefore the world
and Israel remain dead in the sight of God, and it is
only those who have accepted that by faith and have then
taken their position in Christ risen who are in right
standing with God. It is only with such people that God
can go on.
And remember that this is not only an initial position;
it is an abiding principle. Paul said: "Always
bearing about in the body the dying of Jesus, that the
life also of Jesus may be manifested in our body" (2
Corinthians 4:10). In effect he said: 'I die daily. Every
day the Cross of the Lord Jesus has a meaning in my
The Position Established
Now let us
go on with this letter. Chapter 6 shows the position of
spiritual experience. We move on, without dividing into
chapters, and presently we come on to what is shown as
chapter 8, and here we find what has happened in chapter
6. A great divide has been made.
First, the position is established: "There is
therefore now no condemnation to them that are in
Christ Jesus" (verse 1). All the condemnation
has been exhausted in the death and burial of Christ. To
those who by faith are in Jesus Christ risen from the
dead there is no more condemnation. I wish we knew the
truth of Christianity! If there is no condemnation, then
we must be in right standing with God! There is no
controversy between God and us. Do you not see how
important it is for us to recover the true nature of
Christianity? There are many Christians who live out
their lives under condemnation. Even when they pray they
bring their miserable selves to the Lord, and say: 'Lord,
I am no good. I am a miserable creature!' And what does
the Lord say? Well, sometimes He does not say anything at
all. If He did say anything, it would be: 'I told you
that two thousand years ago in the Cross of Jesus Christ.
I knew more about you then than you know about yourself,
but if any man is in Christ Jesus there is no
But the Apostle goes on with a provision. He uses this
little word: "Who walk not after the flesh, but
after the spirit" (verse 4), that is, those who walk
on the ground that they have died with Christ and risen
with Christ. The great divide has been made by the Cross
between flesh and spirit. What do we mean by that word
'flesh'? The flesh is the self-life: my will, my
desires, my ideas, anything that is just me.
If you know anything about yourself, you know that you
are not good, and you will agree with the Apostle Paul,
who said: "I know that in me, that is, in my flesh,
dwelleth no good thing" (7:18). The flesh is the
self-life in any, or all, of its forms. So that this
statement in verse 4 of chapter 8 could be: 'Who walk not
after the self-life.' 'I am going to have what I want. I
am going to take the way that I want to take.' The
self-life has very many complexions.
Now these people do not walk after the flesh. It says:
'They walk after the spirit.' What is that? That is the
God-life - not the self-life, but the God-life. Now it
is: 'What God wills, what God desires. It
is God's thoughts that I want.' There is no
condemnation if we walk the God-life.
What does this word 'walk' mean? Well, we are on a
spiritual journey. That comes out a little later. We are
on the journey of a new nature, and on this journey there
is a new discipline. The journey is not geographical, but
from what we are in ourselves to what we are in Christ.
You know, you can shorten that journey, for you get there
sooner or later according to this discipline. What is the
end of the journey, of this spiritual walk? Now that
comes out at the end of this chapter 8: "Whom he
foreknew, he also foreordained to be conformed to the
image of his Son" (verse 29). That is the end of the
There are two conformities here in this letter. In
chapter 8 it is "conformed to the image of his
Son", and in chapter 12, verse 2 it says: "Be
not conformed to this world". 'Be not conformed to
this world, but be conformed to Christ.' That will
determine how quickly you are covering the journey and
how quickly you are getting to the end! Those who are
conformed to this world are making very slow spiritual
progress, but those whose hearts are wholly set upon
being conformed to Christ make very quick spiritual
You can see these two kinds of Christians. I can see
today many young Christians who have started on the
journey but have either come to a standstill or are
making very slow progress, and when I look to see why it
is I see that it is because they are taking the fashions
of this world.
So the true nature of Christianity is to be conformed to
the image of God's Son. That demands our acceptance of
His death as our death, and demands that we live on the
ground of His resurrection. It also demands that we do
not live the self-life, but that we do live the
Christ-life. The life of the Lord Jesus is to be
reproduced in us by the Spirit, and that is what it means
to "walk after the spirit". It does not say:
'Stand still', and it does not mean: 'Take a first step.'
It means: 'Keep on walking and do not allow this world to
stop you going on with the Lord.'
Well, that, in brief, is the message of this letter to
the Romans. This is the foundation of Christian
experience. You have accepted the foundation position;
now accept the foundation experience, and that foundation
is standing in right position with God, seeking His grace
that in every day, and in every thing we are in good
standing with God. On that ground we shall reach
the goal - conformity to the image of His Son.
I do not think that there is anything to be desired more
than that. What is the greatest desire in your life? Is
it not to be like your Lord, and that all that is true of
Him shall be true in you? May the Lord help us to
Now go back to your letter to the Romans and read it
again in the light of these words: 'Being on right ground
with God.' It is the letter of an utter committal to God
in Christ through the Cross.
We do ask Thee, Lord, to write this deeply into our hearts. We want to go on with Thee, Lord, but more than that, we want Thee to go on with us. We want Thee to be able to commit Thyself to us - not to have any reservations toward us - then teach us from this message the way of being on good ground with Thee. May we all be those who make quick progress toward the goal. In the Name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.
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