In the
terrible darkness of the Cross, Jesus uttered the cry of
desertion and forsakenness in which He could only use the
term: "My God..." (Matthew 27:46), but before
He died He was able to say: "Father, into thy hands
I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46). After He had
risen from the dead, among the first words that He spoke
were these: "Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended
unto the Father: but go unto my brethren, and say to
them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father..."
(John 20:17). The battle was won. All that the first cry
meant of sonship being obscured, had been set aside. In
perfect tranquillity the Lord could not only speak of His
Father but of our Father too.
Such passages as: "Thou art my Son, this day have I
begotten thee", and "declared to be the Son of
God... by the resurrection from the dead" can make
for intellectual difficulty. What about the eternal
Sonship? Was He not God's Son before the resurrection?
The words: "This day have I begotten thee"
evidently refer to the resurrection, as the first two
chapters of the letter to the Hebrews confirm. In what
way is the Lord Jesus God's Son by virtue of
Let us at once state that this is related to the first
and the last Adam. The first Adam was called God's son
(Luke 3:38) and in a sense this was true, but that
sonship was never fully realised - all its meaning, all
its potential, all the divine intention, was never known.
It was sonship on probation which never attained to
determination. In the case of the Lord Jesus, however, we
are told that He was "determined the Son of
God..." (Romans 1:4 m.). The first Adam failed, and
in him the whole race lost its sonship. That was why the
Lord Jesus went to the Cross as representative of the
whole race, to meet the final consequences of that lost
sonship. Those consequences were known in that eternal
period of unspeakable agony, when there was the awful
consciousness of what it means to be abandoned by God. By
nature we are out of Christ, without God and without hope
in this world, but we are not fully aware of it nor of
what it involves. In that phase of the Cross, the Lord
Jesus was, so to speak, projected into the full
realisation of that complete consciousness of what
God-forsakenness really means, that which is the very
terrible destiny of all deliberate rejectors - to find
themselves rejected.
Well, having suffered that judgment, and having carried
all the agony of it to the disrupting of His soul and the
breaking of His heart (for when the soldiers came to
inspect, they found that He was dead already, while those
crucified with Him were still alive) - when that was
accomplished He came to the moment of consciousness that
the judgment was past, and so could return again to use
the word, "Father". Now, however, He used it
with a meaning that it had never borne for man until that
time, so that the last word of the cross is not
"forsaken", but "Father". Sonship had
now come on to a new ground of resurrection, restoration;
the alienation of the race had been overcome. Restoration
is made for the race in Christ, and so everything begins
with "Father". What a wealth there is in the
phrase: "The God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ" when it is seen in the light of the Cross!
It is the ground of our approach, our appeal. It carries
with it the full meaning of the triumph of His Cross over
all the alienation that had come to the human race with
the loss of God's meaning of sonship.
Briefly, then, that is the doctrine and the explanation
of "This day have I begotten thee". It speaks
of a begetting not of the eternal Son, not of Christ as
the Son of God; but the begetting of the Son of man, of
the last Adam, and of sonship for man in Him. Sonship is
ours in Christ, so Peter cries: "Blessed be the God
and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to his
great mercy begat us again unto a living hope by the
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, unto an
inheritance." (1 Peter 1:3-5).
But while our sonship through the Cross and the risen
Christ is to be appropriated and entered into by faith as
an act, yet for the purpose of our testimony here, it is
something which has to be continuous as a spiritual
experience. It is accepted in an act, but it has to be
borne out in a continuous process. The New Testament
shows that sonship is something which relates to the
whole life of the believer in a practical way of
expression, so that inasmuch as it is inseparably bound
up with resurrection in the case of the Lord Jesus, for
us it demands a constant experience of His resurrection
power. How do we know sonship? Well, there was a time
when we believed, and in believing were made children or
sons of God. "Ye are all sons of God, through faith
in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:26). Because we
believe, we have the sonship. That is very good, and of
course we have always to cling tenaciously by faith to
the fact that it is so. But that may have been years ago.
Did the Lord just mean it to be something in our past
history, something which took place years ago? We have
always to hold on to that transaction with the Lord and
believe, but does it not call for a reinforcement as we
go along? Is there no opportunity for it to be more and
more confirmed? Surely the Word teaches that there is;
and so not only the origin but the experience of the
believer should be that of sonship being freshly
demonstrated and manifested on the same ground as its
origin - that is, resurrection.
What is God's confirmation of our sonship? It is that He
gives us continual experiences of being raised from the
dead. He has left us here in a setting and a background
of death: we are called upon to live and to walk amidst
death. This world is a tomb, which sooner or later will
engulf all those outside of Christ; but here we are in
this very tomb, this scene and realm of death, living. We
are not a part of it, we are living, and this is the
testimony, this is sonship. Sonship is meant to be
manifested. The end of this process is the full
manifestation of the sons of God according to Romans
8:19. Here, in a spiritual way, the manifold wisdom of
God is shown in the Church, to the glory of His name and
to the confounding of principalities and powers.
Our new birth is our first taste of resurrection life. We
notice that, after quoting the passage concerning Christ:
"Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten
thee", the Scriptures present a further quotation:
"I and the children whom God hath given me"
(Hebrews 2:13). The completion of the original statement
is: "Behold I and the children whom God hath given
me are for signs and wonders..." (Isaiah 8:18). It
is clear that Isaiah's words are put into the mouth of
the Lord Jesus who links the announcement of His own
Sonship by resurrection to the fact that by that same
resurrection He has begotten us again unto a living hope.
We are the children given to Him by virtue of His
resurrection. And we are for signs and wonders. What does
this mean? Well when the evil generation of Jews demanded
a sign from the Lord Jesus, He replied: "... there
shall no sign be given to it but the sign of Jonah the
prophet" (Matthew 12:39). He went on to point out
that this sign of Jonah was connected with death and
resurrection. So the signs and wonders associated with
Christ and the children whom the Father has given Him are
the miracles of resurrection life. This is the experience
of the spiritual Christian, he repeatedly knows the
impact of death and the glory of Christ's resurrection.
So it is that the Church has survived. There is no other
way of accounting for the continuance of the Church
through the ages than the wonder-working power of
Christ's resurrection. The powers of hell and death have
come like a deluge upon the Church through the centuries
and have sometimes almost seemed to quench it, but it has
sprung up again in greater fullness than ever before
after every such time.
What is true of the Church as a whole is true in smaller
ways in our individual experience. In our own hearts we
sometimes become encompassed by death; we almost fear for
our own faith at times, wondering if we shall survive;
but we have gone on, and we are still going on. This is
the marvellous outworking of "the exceeding
greatness of his power to usward who believe"
(Ephesians 1:19). It is not our endurance: it is the
power of His resurrection. This is the testimony - for
signs and wonders. The story is not to be read openly,
but one day it will be revealed for His glory. It is now
a hidden story. Everyone knows his own dark, deadly hours
in the spiritual life, but he also proves the superior
power of Christ's resurrection life.
Thank God that since Christ bore the bitter tasting of
death for us, there is none left for us to taste.
Spiritual death is the complete consciousness of what it
means to be finally abandoned by God. There is no more of
that for those who are in Christ; that death has been
swallowed up in Him. So may the Lord give us faith to
stand on that ground in the darkest hour. If we are
children by resurrection, then we are for signs and
wonders in Israel. However gloomy the prospect, we know
that God's answer in His sons is the victory of
resurrection life.
"Toward The Mark" Jul-Aug, 1974, Vol. 3-4. An edited version of the 1947 article, which can also be found on this website.