God's Way of Recovery

by T. Austin-Sparks

Transcribed from conference messages given in October, 1958. The spoken form has been retained verbatim, words which were unclear are in [square] brackets.

The story of God's movements again and again for recovery is the long, long story of the grace of God. I thank God for the word recovery. Where would any of us be today if the Lord had let us go, if He had not recovered us? May I say to you: the Lord is not giving up. You go through a dark and difficult time under His hand, in which you will learn that there is no gain in that way and He will react again, and come back, and seek to draw you back, not only to Himself, but to the purpose of your being called into the fellowship with Him. This Word of God has hidden in it, buried in it, the pattern for God's purpose. Christ is there as the Model in every respect of God's Sanctuary. He is hidden in all the Scriptures; He is there. That is the Word of God. It is not the letter; it is what lies behind the letter, what the Spirit has put into the letter, and that is Christ! He is the Pattern.

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