The Church's Position and Power in the Heavenlies

by T. Austin-Sparks

Conference messages given in February 1932. Edited and supplied by the Golden Candlestick Trust.

What is this that the Lord looks for and desires of His people? Spiritual vision and spiritual revelation. How few of the Lord's people have got genuine spiritual revelation - there is any amount of true doctrine, knowledge of the Scriptures, but what is the value of it? What is the working value of it? What is the value of it when you come up against the forces of hell and you encounter the devil? How much of the doctrine stands then to cleave a way through? Truth is only of value as it brings the power of God to bear upon spiritual situations. We can use phraseology, we can take up our formulas from the word of God and try and hurl them at the head of the enemy, but it makes no difference. Only that counts as spiritual power which has come to us by revelation of the Holy Spirit. When you have got there, you are in a strong position. Your eyes are opened.

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